Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Garbage Garbage

I'm not fully in either camp as far as automated garbage collection. I see the pros and cons. For me the real question is what the 5% of Davenport residents who seem to have no regard for any laws do with all the new garbage rules. Its hard to imagine the same people who are out running from the police, shooting it out at Crestwood, etc, carefully selecting the right size can on their postcard. Hopefully pawn shops don't accept City of Davenport garbage cans.

Aside from that, I think it should be a good system. No more garbage bags that animals can claw/eat right through, and hopefully little old ladies will have an easier time wheeling their cart to the curb than they would have carrying a garbage can. The issues with various alleys they won't be compatible with the new system will be ironed out one way or another. Bettendorf seems to be handling the system decently, but they don't have as big of a "5% group" as Davenport. Maybe we can use some of the VIPS to patrol alleys and ravines and take digital pictures of anyone illegally dumping.

I do find it interesting that despite registering http://pitch-in.org the City of Davenport has still not done a good enough job of educating people about the new system. Recently on SoLo people were insisting that the new fees were on top of the current garbage/recycling fee. (They aren't) Now today in the ask the QCTimes section people are asking the same thing. It shouldn't be up to bloggers and the mainstream media to explain to people how the fees will work. Maybe a new round of postcards is in order.

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