Monday, July 31, 2006

Forrest Block Building news

Here's the QCTimes article.

I've always had a special interest in this block, and I'm glad to see it finally being renovated. Its been falling apart and falling down for nearly my entire life, so it will be a new experience for me to see it looking good and being utilized for commercial and residential uses.

It just makes me wonder how many new projects downtown it will take before the naysayers start realizing that there really is momentum down here, as cliched as that slogan has become.

I've posted a couple of floorplan images:

This first one here is a huge image, but you can actually read most of the text on the floorplan. (56k modem users don't click this one, its almost a megabyte)

This one I've cut down to a size that's a little easier to fit on a computer screen, but it loses some of the readability for the labels.


Anonymous said...

QCI, how much do you think they are asking from the taxpayers?

QuadCityImages said...

The article says...

"He added that although the city has offered to negotiate financial assistance for the project, they plan to do the work regardless."

To me... that says don't give him incentives. Yet, I still feel like anyone that takes a building that has looked that bad for that long should get some sort of reward for putting it back into good use.

I say give him 20 grand and be done with it.

hoganj300 said...

It would be neat if it would also have an rooftop deck. I really like the idea of having an courtyard. I hope all these new buildings that are being renovated will include streetscaping in front of their properties.

Anonymous said...

where will the occupants park?

Anonymous said...

Things are moving in your downtown, no reason for the city give away much more. Time to start demanding results.

Incentives should be provided to those selling owner occupied units for less than $140k. It would nice to have someting similiar to the Harrison Street Manor acroos from Vandeveer Park.

Anonymous said...

Unlike Harrison Manor across from VanderVeer Park, these condos will have indoor parking and an elevator.