I hadn't seen this particular angle/rendering before, and I think it really shows what is being built. Note that the picture seems to show the 5th Street houses replaced by a forest, and doesn't include the skywalk to the new police station. For those of you lucky enough to be unfamiliar with the current courthouse and jail complex, the only buildings in the rendering that currently exist are the Old Jail and the Courthouse.

As always, click for a larger view.
The forest is as phooney as the Supervisiors who acepted this rendering .
In davenport platting and site plans are passed through Planning and Zoning. Just how did the County portray meeting parking needs for the new justice center? No one parks in urban forests.
I don't think they seriously thought it would be that, it was probably just whatever architect made the rendering threw that in there. I just thought it was funny because it looks like a tree every 3 feet.
Yea I agree. The question still stand tho.
The urban forest was designed specifically for the homeless, they can camp there when visiting their buddies in the jail.
anon 5:12
Thanks for the laugh. Dead on..
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