From my living room

From the roof of the MidAmerican parking garage.

Not a good day for an auto show. The north side of the RiverCenter had to be evacuated, probably to protect against anything coming through the atrium ceiling.

A crowd gathered to watch from behind the police tape.

Apparently people capable of operating the QC's biggest ladder truck were on duty today.

Hoses were run all the way over to Pershing.
Hopefully all of the employees, guests, and firefighters are ok, and I truly hope that the building will also survive this. Isle of Capri, or their insurance, should still be the one who has to pay for repairs, since the building has not yet been given to the city.
QCI, you are more on the ball than the Q.C. Times website. Hats off to you, you beat the media and got the scoop. Good job.
Thanks. Its mostly due to living within sight of the building, but I guess the QCTimes is only 3 blocks away also. Hats off to them for having the story online before any of the other news sites. I like the part in their article where they mention that there used to be a sign on top of the building that said "Fireproof Blackhawk Hotel."
QCI - I understand it was a small fire on the 8th floor. No one hurt and they didn't even use the big ladder truck...
That's true. We should all be glad no one was hurt and I think the building is probably still structurally sound.
Excellent shots as usual QCI...
Thanks for the great perspectives.
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