The second article has this quote:
However, the marketplace has changed dramatically, and “virtually the entire U.S. gift industry bases its production overseas while retaining creative control in the United States,” the company stated in a news release.“I’d challenge you to go into a gift shop … and find something that is not made overseas,” Gilfillan told the Times.
Right.... and that's why people were willing to pay $100+ bucks for a piece of cement. BECAUSE, unlike other things, they're made here.

What's up with Isabel Bloom moving production from downtown Davenport to China.
I used to work there back before their 1st big layoff. They made some aweful business decisions back then and a lot of the employees were begining to see the writing on the wall...Of all the terrible decisions that the owners of that business made, however, this has got to be the stupidist yet.
If I wanted a sculpture made in China, I could buy one off the counter from the one-stop mart on the corner.
Most of the customers I've met with were in large part buying the sculptures because they were made in the Quad Cities, USA. (And they knew they were paying a substantial premium to do so!)
In the meantime, the owners of that business were pulling hundreds of thousands of dollars a year out of the business while working 5 hour work days or less.
They owners are now millionaires, while their employees who were making less than $12.00/hour are now going to unemployed. But I'm sure the fools runing the business think they can keep the gravey train rolling for just a few more years. (Again, their pulling in hundreds of thousands of dollars a year).
I think it is fair to say that the (3) owners of Isabel Bloom are the most over-rated businessmen in the Quad Cities.
What a shame. (or should I say SHAM)
I couldn't agree more. Having known both John and Isabel I know this would not make them happy at all. The sad thing is, everything she believed in just went down the toilet with this move.
It seems like over the last few years more and more IB traditions have been going by the wayside, first in the form of new colors, and recently multi-colored pieces. In their rush to expand they are leaving behind the QC base that created them.
Solo also has a post about this issue here.
Here's a lyric I'm working on. I may record it in a friends basement recording studio.
"Isabel" you done shot yourself in
the BLOOmers
shipping your production overseas
"Isabell" you done shot yourself in
the BLOOmers
you'll never get another nickel
from me
I bought you cause you represented
but now that you'll be manufactured
far away
I'll never buy another thing from you again
Well maybe one more piece, if you come out with a---
Holy carp! This blg has been abandoned and taken over by the friggin', stupid spammers.
Shove your viagra up your lousy arses.
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