Mayor ------309
1st Ward----35
2nd Ward---32
3rd Ward---19
4th Ward---45
5th Ward---29
6th Ward---59
7th Ward---44
8th Ward---41
All offices in Bettendorf and Eldridge require 25 signatures.
These are kind of interesting. Looking at the 6th ward, you can see one reason that many of our Mayors and At-Large Aldermen have come from there. They vote more than the rest of us. Someone from the 3rd ward would need a massive 19 signatures, but I am pretty sure that's up from the 17 that were required last time. Maybe those 2 extra names will keep us from having 10 people running for 3rd Ward again. They've also made some changes to the absentee ballot system, possibly in response to the scandals they ran into last time.
So if any of you are considering throwing your hat in the ring, there's still time. I got shuffled around City Hall so much trying to find these that I was sure someone would have posted that they saw me picking one up... For the record, no matter what the lady at the front desk tells you, the packets are in the Administration Office, not the Mayor's Office.
Has anyone checked out Phil Yerington's website? He spells city council, counsil many times...seems pretty well educated! I can't see how we could elect any of these mayoral candidates
Yikes, there are a lot more misspellings than that. It just makes reading it all the more tough, considering that what he's writing is bad too...
I feel there is a "hold out" that will show up at the last minute. I'm sure this person will be a breath of fresh air and well educated.
Conservative Demo here:
If spelling and grammar counts for anything, Hammerlink would not have been elected because his website was rife with mistakes as the election was approaching.
I am the Web Manager of www.pyerington.com and I will take full blame for any spelling errors.
Spelling errors have been corrected and I am sure we have all made a typo or two in our lives.
Thank you all for your concern.
Now if only you could correct his flawed opinions and platform...
Many in DC benefit from grammar checking underlings, so why should local politics be different?
I think Yerington's platform is EXACTLY what this City needs!
You've got to be kidding.
You seem to think you can do much better than many of the canditates so where may I ask YOUR name is on the ballot?
Just as I thought you are ALL TALK NO ACTION
Yerington is the man! The best thing about his platform is lowering the assessed values. They are way too high in Davenport.
So... hope you like cutting police, fire, inspections, streets and sewers, or some other service.
Despite the success of Hamerlinck's '05 platform of lower taxes and fees, increase services in getting him elected... that isn't how it works.
Do you really think yerington will cut police? NOT he has been there and knows first hand what is needed
So what will he cut from the operating budget?
Or I should say, try to cut, considering that he only votes in ties.
I found this today and think it says it all phil is the perfect mayor
the link didn't post
Cops are cretins.
Cretins do not make good mayors.
Well, I definitely have to disagree with cops being cretins. You'd definitely be sorry if there weren't any.
I still don't think Yerington should be Mayor though.
"The best thing about his platform is lowering the assessed values."
That's a lot of hot air. The mayor has NO CONTROL over assessed values of property.
The Mayor can hire pressuer the City Assessor to have more reasonable assessed values, and if not, try to get him replaced.
Saying the Mayor has no control over this is like saying that the President has no control over health care, becasue only Congress can pass laws.
Should have said
"The Mayor can pressure the City Assessor..."
You obviously have no idea what you are saying and your trying to repeat the crap that Phil is spewing. Give it a rest and become educated.
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