I said there were gonna be holiday time open threads in lieu of much content, and I was right. I'm working on a few posts, but I'm not going to promise any of them will get finished before I jet off to Phoenix via Denver, where I'll probably be trapped by the coming snowstorm. This could end up being the one time that O'Hare would have been a better bet... Instead of interesting content, and in tribute to our missing hero, Ambrose Fulton... here's a cat picture:

Alderman Meyer, could you ask Dee to run the street sweeper on Division from 2nd north to Kimberly please. The new 'islands' in the middle of west Locust have become trash catchers and need to be picked up. One last thing - did someone on city staff do the landscape design for those islands, and if we do that again, wouldn't it look nicer to use green type shrubs, instead of trees and bushes that loose their folliage during the winter? It looks so 'dead' in that landscape plan.
Around the time that Davenport was changing over to the automated trash collection, the Public Works Director stood before council and proclaimed how clean this city would be after the cart program was implimented. That couldn't have been farther from the truth. Our neighborhoods are dirty, with trash blowing everywhere. Why are the aldermen not on top of this problem?
I suggest the city council adopt a cat from the humane shelter. A council cat would be a calming and civilizing force. Cats bring out the best in humans and don't suffer fools.
I agree - the city is so filled with trach ont he streets - what should be done?
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