First of all, while the special meeting was indeed related to the potential Rhythm City Casino relocation, it wasn't a meeting to vote to allow them to move. The actual vote was simply to direct staff to study the areas that should be zoned for casinos. The way it is explained now, there is currently no special zoning required for casinos, so IOC can basically locate a new casino/hotel complex wherever they wish. What the action taken by the council tonight does, is start the process for creating a special zoning type for casinos. This would allow the city to have a lot more leverage in choosing where IOC could build. Alderman Meyer questioned the entire process, why it was being done, whether the city administration is trying to force IOC to stay downtown, why a "special meeting" was needed, etc. Staff attempted to assure him that they would study all options, and not just downtown, but he added an amendment which would insist that they not rule out sites outside of downtown. This was passed by the council, I believe unanimously. Then the council passed the motion.
Here is the official text from the agenda of the pre-amendment motion:
"Motion directing staff to review the zoning ordinances so that the placement of casinos or gaming operations is addressed in specific zoning district(s)."
I am unsure, but it seemed like Alderman Meyer hopes the casino does leave downtown. As a third ward resident, I disagree with this, and any efforts to move (relatively) upstanding businesses out of my ward. Alderman Ambrose was clearly supportive of the casino moving out by the interstate. Both Alderman Brooke and Howard seemed to at least "hope" that the casino would be able to stay downtown. Alderman Hamerlinck and Lynn pointed out that any new agreement with the Isle will need to honor their existing responsibilities to the parking garage, skybridge, and Blackhawk Hotel. Alderman Dumas, as usual, said nothing.
All of the Council seemed to feel that the Isle is keeping them out of the process, and I spoke to "Tory B" of the QCTimes who also felt like they were being very closemouthed about their intentions.
The rest of the meeting mainly involved a 40+ minute discussion of Fejervary Zoo, and the council logically voting to refinance some bonds at a cheaper rate. The rezoning of the Mound/Locust apartment project that I've heard very little about was deleted from the agenda. Also, the guys were back with their request for a memorial in Lindsay Park to the Dakota tribe human remains that are, according to them, scattered around the McClellan and Lindsay Park area. There's always something to see at a Davenport City Council meeting.
I don't think the IOC cares what the city thinks. Anyplace they can dig a hole and fill it with water will work. We ought to be hoping they stay in Davenport period. They can go anywhere they want, and with rumors of moving to LeClaire, the city better hope they can convince the IOC to stay in Davenport.
I don't think they can go anywhere they want.
RDA holds their gambling license, and they were created to locate a casino in Davenport. I suspect its in their charter.
QCI is right. RDA holds the license. If IOC leaves some other company will gladly come in and signa contract to use the license.
The boat needs to stay in downtown Davenport. To much has been invested. What is wrong with aldermen Meyer and Ambrose?
There is nothing wrong with Ambrose or Meyer. They realize that the gambling operation is a business to make money. Let me say it again. A business like any other business whose goal is to make money. The smart aldermen and bloggers realize that to update into a successful, efficient gambling operation will not work anywhere in the downtown or river front area. As long as they stay in Davenport, ANYWHERE, and continue to grow and be successful, we should not hamper their efforts by holding them to outdated plans and promises.
If the boat moves what happens to River Vison Money and Brooke grand plan of water canons on the river front.
QCI - did you also notice how Howard was watching and staring at Brooke during most of the meeting?
Are you saying Howard has the "HOTS" for Brook??
People just always have to throw in some kind of controversy when it involves Alderman Howard.
10:48 said we shouldn't hold the IOC to their "outdated plans and promises"? What makes you think their new plans will be any better? The ink wasn't even dry on the last agreement before it was obsolete. I've lost confidence in the IOC. I think their recent sales slump has had more to do with the norovirus outbreak than the Riverside operation, as they claim.
Given the circumstances, it seems reasonable that the city have some level of control over where the casino goes, whereever that may be. I understand the IOC is running a business. But if they can't make money running a CASINO, then we should get someone more competent in here to run it. You know, someone with the competence level of, say, Floppie the Banjo Clown.
What makes any of you belive that having this boat downtown will attrct people there. The boat is there now and people aren't drawn there and if the hotel is built with the parking garage, etc. then it will be isolated to that spot wherevver it is downtwon - not attracting people into the actual dowtown area to shop or drink or whatever. I think we need to have them built this sucker into the River center and Blackhawk Hotel and then people will be actually invted to walk the street there. This will promote businesses down there. if we isolate it - it won't.
At least visitors would see that we have a downtown, whereas out on 80 or 280 they would see what they think Iowa is entirely made of: corn.
While most people will be intent on gambling, some are going to want to see the local sights. It will help to have them within sight.
If the boat is downtown overnight visitors will stay at downtown hotels and visit more downtown businesses. So moving out of downtown could hurt in that sense. But if they are set to go they will go. Davenport will survive.
i seen ray ambrose on the boat last sat nite so he needs to shut up
IOC is going to want to move at least one operation to the interstate to compete with Jumer's and others. For Davenport they should encourage the old Showcase Cinemas proerty as the best possible spot to draw gamblers in to Davenport.
IOC is going to step foward again with a proposal that says their location choice is the only viable option, as was said with the move towards the bridge.
I am sure all operations will consider the affect of the new I-74 bridge construction on their plans.
We don;t have a downtown - we have a shanty town due to JLCS and the city council and staff.
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