A blog devoted to the Quad Cities, with an emphasis on images, local politics, and development.
Monday, October 31, 2005
3 Cops, 2 Real Issues
The article lists 3 cops and what their "problem" was with the police. In their defense, I don't know as much about VanFossen and Swanson's incidents, as they were before I was born.
Here's what they did according to the QCTimes:
Swanson: fired from the Davenport force in 1978 for allegedly lying about the shooting of a suspect who had been stopped for a misdemeanor traffic offense
VanFossen: indicted in 1973 for embezzlement while serving as a Scott County sheriff’s deputy in an investigation that eventually resulted in a guilty plea and the resignation of former Sheriff William Strout.
Gibbs: a series of suspensions, including one in which an alderman witnessed him delivering a bag of ice, while on duty, to a downtown ice cream parlor Gibbs owned.
Lying about shooting a guy, embezzlement.... dropping a bag of ice off to his wife. You pick the one that is the least serious.
The issue with Gibbs was extremely bad blood/vendetta between him and also former cop/then Mayor Yerington. The alderman who "caught" him was actually following him in his car. He delivered the ice to his wife on one of his allowed breaks. Police Officers in Davenport are allowed to drive to their home for their breaks, but driving somewhere to pick up ice and drop it off to your wife is clearly corrupt...? According to some, Phil Yerington may have run for mayor simply to get the power to fire Chief Lynn from the police department. He then tried to get hired as Police Chief himself while still Mayor. Instead Chief Bladel was hired, who later fired Yerington.
As someone who's interested in both, its would be hypocrtical of me to say that Police and Politics shouldn't mix, as Fly did... but when you lay it all out like that it does seem like there's a lot of controversy. Or maybe the problem was just Yerington.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Hotels, Streetlights, and Skybridge Sleepers

The Radisson was clearly having some sort of John Deere meeting or event over the last 2 days, but it was certainly a happening place. It was quite a difference coming from the desolate downtown streets into the bustling lobby/courtyard of the hotel. I heard many languages and accents, and there were people coming and going constantly. Groups of people were sitting at tables and standing around talking. It felt like a big city hotel. I doubt the Radisson is always that vibrant, but if it is... I'd say they have nothing to worry about from any casino hotel.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Candidate Forums and the Colonel
I attended the first 2 and a half hours of the candidate forums held by the police and fire unions at the Radisson last night. I assume it ended as scheduled at 10, but since I left early, I couldn't say if it went long. It seemed long already at 9:30. I decided I was going to pretend to be a true CNN style blogger and take my laptop and actually take notes at the meeting. In addition to possibly annoying Bill Boom with my keytapping, I've decided that I don't get paid enough ($0) to be a real reporter. I took 5 pages of what I would call decent notes, but it took me a couple hours last night at work to assemble my gibberish of typed shorthand notes into something remotely readable. I'll post them in their boring entirety later today for those of you that have a lot of time on your hands. I did manage to write an article for the Colonel's blog about it, but it got so long that I split it into 2 parts.
If I go to tonight's forum, I don't think I'll even take my laptop. Also, 3rd ward candidate Bill Boom pointed out that since my exit from DDP, my email address is nowhere to be found in cyberspace. I'm throwing it over there on the right with the new link to the QC Backstage. For the 4 or 5 of you that might have tried to email me, I'm sorry.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Question #6 Below Answered
The October 24th Council Update had this to say about the Mississippi Hotel development.
Extension of the Mississippi Hotel purchase agreement to J & T Development - On November 18, 2004, the RCPA Development Co. LLC (managed by the City) executed a real estate option contract with J & T Development, LLC for the purchase of a portion of the Mississippi Hotel. J & T Development was selected by the City to redevelop the south wing of the Mississippi Hotel into apartments. It was anticipated that the closing would occur by August 15, 2005. Earlier this spring, the developer's application for 9% tax credits was denied. The developer then structured alternative financing to allow construction to begin later in the fall, but as a result, needed more time to secure the funding. Staff granted an extension until October 15. By early October, the developer had secured the financing for the project. However, the City's surveying and abstract work was not yet complete, in part due to the complexities involved with selling a portion of a single structure. As a result, staff has asked the developer for additional time for the completion of this legal and title work. It is expected that the property will be transferred in early November with construction to begin in December.
So that's good news for future downtown residents, but its never good to hear that the city is the cause of delays. Better delayed then abandoned though.
Museum of Abandoned Armories?
As far my opinion, for once I'm not necessarily opposed to tearing it down. If they leave it there, I hope they get started soon on painting it anything but white, and gluing its roof back on.
P.S. I took a picture of it out my window, but it wasn't even up to the mediocre QCI standards, so use your imagination today.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Good Blog Stuff
Here's the link.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Sunny Happy Day

Find somewhere north of Kimberly with that view and I'll give you $1.
As I haven't received any answers from readers about the things I'm wondering about, I'm going to start bugging the people "in the know" about those issues next week.
I'm also going to add:
#7 Why has there been no news articles about the fact that the Courtland has supposedly been bought and is being renovated into non-slum apartments?
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Dreary Day Open Thread
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Stuff I'm wondering about
1. What's the status of the Rhythm City hotel? Is the EPA/Corps of Engineers looking it over? Is IOC worried about other things? (Mississippi) Bettendorf's project is moving forward, but I haven't heard an update on Davenport's in months.
2. How is Davenport PD's "test" of Chevy Impalas going? Is the DPD going to begin switching over to smaller cars, possibly against officers' wishes? Are they going to also test a Dodge Charger squad car? Is the plan still in place to switch Davenport's cars back to white for more "professionalism?"
3. I haven't actually looked at it in a few weeks, but is the former Trinity North still being converted into a long-term acute care hospital? Last time I saw it there wasn't much activity. I haven't read anything about it since this. Any of you NoLo people see signs going up there?
4. Why can't we do SOMETHING, ANYTHING with the former Showcase Cinemas and Ramada/Wicliff/Rat-matress hotel on Brady? Niky listed it as a large concern, and I certainly agree with her on that. Visitors coming into Davenport from I-80 are welcomed with blight. Even an empty field is better than those buildings. In addition to our high school's having on the job classes that teach building a home, we could have one that teaches demolishing a hotel/cinema.
5. Any interested parties for buying the Blackhawk hotel, assuming Question #1 is answered by progress on the IOC issue? If we can find takers for the Mississippi hotel, I suspect we could find people who'd be willing to accept an 11-story historic building for free.
6. Speaking of that, whats the Mississippi hotel developer up to? Still trying to work out financing? Construction is started on the Adler expansion, so to avoid having 2 seperate construction periods for that block, they should begin soon on the Mississippi.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Fly spoke several times about how ads would cause bias. I completely agree. However, using a giant mega company like Google possibly helps to alleviate this. I don't see the Google corporation being discussed in city council meetings very often. If they decide to build an office in Davenport someday, I will admit my bias, and encourage the city to welcome them with open arms. However, I don't think that's all that likely.
Call me a sellout if you will, but they're here to stay.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Not Exactly a Scoop
Only 4 months after the Leader ran an article about Daily Davenport Politics, the QCTimes got around to printing one. I don't blame the author at all though, as when he called me he too seemed to believe that an article was overdue. I'm not really one for conspiracy theories, but maybe DDP is seen as competition by the Times high-ups?
Whereas the Argus/Dispatch/Leader article was based almost entirely off of an email interview with Fly, the Colonel, and myself, the QCTimes didn't allow anonymous sources in their article. Instead there's a wide cross-section of people quoted about DDP, and blogging in general. Its a different perspective than the previous article, and hopefully renewed publicity will get Fly enough clout to get all of the required folks into his Rule #3 Party. Being above the fold on the front page of the Quad City Times is nothing to sneeze at, no matter what you think of the paper. Also thanks to the author, David Heitz, for not making me sound crazy.

I've returned from my journey to the Garden of the Gods in southern Illinois. I see that its quiet around the new blog. I don't have a stat counter, and I don't know if I'll set one up. I'm not sure if I even care. The fewer people read this the less I have to worry about being remotely diplomatic. The Colonel has something in the works, but that's as far as I'll go about that. SoLo invited me to join their blog, but I don't think the posse of negativity I seem to attract is needed over there. If I start writing for them it will be in a very minor role.
P.S. Yes, that's me in the picture. Although I've done a decent amount of traveling within the US, I had never before been to Shawnee National Forest, a mere 6 hours away from the QC. Its an amazing place, and I recommend everyone check it out, especially if you enjoy scampering around on rocks.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Away message...
Lofts Phase 2, Before
I want to give a huge thank you to Alexander Company for allowing this tour to happen, and Lisa and Scott for walking us through and operating the elevator controls.

P.S. I had these all lined up so there'd be two next to each other all the way down, but Blogger apparently wouldn't have that..