DDP has turned away from city politics, so I didn't want to post this there. Besides, this is mostly just a few scattered thoughts, as my past posts have often been.
Interesting to see Hamerlinck grab the ball and run with it within the first 30 days of taking office. Kind of gives pause to the "accepted wisdom" that new alderfolk take a year or two to get their feet under them.
Dee. I'm inclined towards the point-of-view that city employees (from Malin all the way down) will take direction from council. Basically, none of them are nearly stupid enough to do otherwise. The real question is competency. There's little doubt that Dee's been competent enough to satisfy prior councils. If this council wants more/different, it's an open question whether Dee is competent to do that. And an open question is a far different matter than simply dumping the woman.
There's been some criticism of the make-up of this "get Dee committee". I'm fine with such criticism. But I've got to say that perhaps this is an improvement over the way things have worked in the past. Now we know who Shawn and the others are listening to. In the past, unless you were at the "meeting before the meeting" at Mac's, it was hard to know who was advising the council leadership.
But hey, good luck.

The wheeling and dealing at MAC's is more myth than reality. In recent years, councils have had unofficial meetings at such exotic locations as living rooms. Sure political types go there, but its hardly the hub of political activity in the area.
Tell me whose living room and when.
Everyone definitely seemed pretty at home there at the Rule #3 party.
Fly should stay on his own blog!
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