I am, of course, biased. I went to WIU at Macomb. I loved the campus and the quality of professors I had, but I was not a very big fan of living in a town with a total population of 20,000, with 12,000 of that being WIU students. Having KMart or Walmart as my 2 shopping choices isn't my ideal situation. I considered going to the QC campus, but I wanted the real college experience, and currently the Quad City campus is essentially a community college that gives Bachelor's degrees.

We're one of the largest communities in the country without a full 4 year public university. Deere came along and gave WIU the land to build a beautiful riverfront campus, and room for expansion, but now we're stuck waiting for IL politics to throw some spare change our way. Its happening, but far too slowly. With the deal that allows students from border counties to get in-state tuition, I think WIU could build a QC campus for at least 5,000 students. Hopefully once construction gets started, things will snowball quickly.
Lets hope someone does something about the WIU English Department.
Haha, yeah... "I considering"...
Oh well, I wrote the post in a hurry. Also, to defend WIU, I didn't take any English classes there because I took all my GenEds at Scott.
That explains it! ;)
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