If you've never heard of any of these, this is the post for you. These companies are the next generation in arcades. Each of these 4 follow a similar style, although I haven't been to any Dave and Buster's locations. Also, D&B has apparently bought out Jillians somewhat recently.
Here's what wikipedia says about GameWorks:
GameWorks is a chain of entertainment venues featuring a full-service restaurant, a bar serving signature martinis and specialty cocktails, and interactive and state-of-the-art video games and attractions.
Its an interesting business model. During the day, GameWorks is basically Chuck E Cheese. There are kids everywhere, playing skiball, winning tickets, getting prizes, playing racing, shooting, dancing games. As the night goes on, Gameworks slowly transitions into more of an adult atmosphere. The location I've been to the most is in the Arizona Mills Mall in Tempe, AZ, and that's where my pictures are from. At that location, at some point in the night the 2nd level becomes 21 and over only, and adults are allowed to have their cocktails right out with the games. The Gameworks in Las Vegas, Jillians in Scottsdale and InPlay in Peoria are the other venues like this I've visited, and they all have sports bars or martini bars or some form of adult beverages. During the day you have Pocket Change Park, at night you have an atmosphere vaguely similar to a bowling alley or pool hall. Also, as you can see from my pictures, some of these places are decorated/themed almost to Disney World standards.
These venues can be a place for everyone from kids through teens to young adults. We need things like this in Davenport, and some of these companies tend to build in downtown areas, or even renovate historic buildings, such as InPlay did in Peoria. Something like this could be one more piece of the puzzle when the QC area markets itself as a regional tourist destination. Also, we don't really have any large arcades in the area outside of movie theaters, bowling alleys, Happy Joes, etc. I believe there would be a market for a venue like these, and hopefully one of these companies agrees.
And here are the images:

I put this post together in kind of a hurry, so I might edit it later. Also, those of you who have been to these places, feel free to add you observations.
I've been to a couple of the Jillian's places, and I really enjoyed it. It would be a great draw in a place that could use the indoor entertainment. It would work in any of the downtowns, most likely Davenport or Rock Island. Parochially, I'd like to see it in the District. Since it looks like we can't rip down the Armory, maybe it could fit in there.
Not a bad idea at all... It would be a more inclusive use for the riverfront than a casino, that's for sure.
I have been to both InPlay and Dave & Buster's and would absolutely love something like that here! InPlay downtown Peoria has a very nice big banquet room up on the top floor. Don't we have a few empty buildings downtown Davenport for this?
I have visited Peoria and gone to Inplay. Really cool, and what is neat is they have re-habbed (sp?) an old warehouse on their riverfront to put their business in. A good possibility here in the QC with vacant buildings just sitting there.
Also, if I remember, Gameworks hasn't done much with growth other than a handful of locations nationally, and Dave & Buster's is corporately owned and looks for larger metro markets.
Since Inplay is a sort-of start-up and is closer in distance, would they be willing to locate here ?
The $64,000 question !!!
I've been to one Jillian's and a few D&B's. D&B is definitely more corporate. The ones I've been to are in suburban areas, and usually are in an old "bix box" type of warehouse or building. Still very nice, but the InPlay sounds like a much better fit for the Quad Cities.
I like the RI Armory idea. There was just an article in the Dispatch that because of the historical status, they will have to keep the "shell" of the Armory, but could pretty much do whatever they wanted inside. There are a number of other potential locations in Davenport and Moline, too.
I believe the inPlay in Peoria is around 60 or 70,000 square feet. They have a banquet room also, unlike GameWorks or I believe D&B's. Jillians had the most adult atmosphere out of all of them to me, and the Scottsdale location had an awesome bowling alley/bar that was lit in blue. I'll try and find more pictures of some of this stuff.
Sadly the armory is only 32,000 square feet, unless more levels were added or something.
Yeah, if even blog folks support it, it must be viable.
Now I wonder what they would say with some incentives thrown in though...
I think the establishments all are great places, and downtown Peoria is great place to spend a Saturday night.
Enough incentives are already in place such as new parking ramps and other downtown attractions. Real estate is available andv certainly not overpriced to developments such as this. If incentives are needed then viability of such a venue is too questionable.
It may be splitting hairs, but we do not NEED such a place.
Most of these places have sports bars also.
The Jillian's in Scottsdale had the biggest sports bar I've ever been in.
This could replace the RME when it finally goes tits-up. Is that place big enough?
Incentives? I assume you were joking but just in case.
In regard to economic development, the job of the city council is NOT to give targeted incentives to individual companies, but to foster an environment that makes employers/industries/skilled workers WANT to locate in the city. But they do it anyway…….
There are already dozens of different kinds of incentives available for downtown redevelopment though.
The city council has failed to create an environment that fosters commerce
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