Its tough to get into blogging while out of state, but I hope to put together my 5 wishes for 2007 sometime this week. Also I may put up some non-QC images of Arizona or Nevada.
The image to the right was taken just after midnight (Mountain Time) at the Insight Bowl Block Party in Tempe, AZ.
In 2006, Dee failed to get the Centenial Bridge deck swept. Hopefully sometime in 2007, Dee either gets the DOT to sweep the bridge and the bridge approaches, or makes plans for the Davenport street sweepers to keep this Gateway to our city as clean as it should be. We are paying that huge stormwater fee for clean streets, and it's about time we get something for out money.
Having the City Council budget meeting televised on the City Cable Channel would be a great New Years Wish.
7:37am, I'm not sure you would enjoy that. After all, the aldermen have not a brain between them.
Having the budget meetings televised is a great idea. I know two or three that are working hard for us and have excellant ideas. We should all see the slackers that are just sitting around with no thoughts. Also, see the ones that have hidden agendas and are working just for outside interests in the community.
For those of us working two jobs to pay the high Davenport taxes and fees, it is difficult to attend the budget meetings in person. It would be much more convenient to watch them on cable, and then call or email the alderman with imput.
Please call for a Roll-Call vote on the televising of the budget issue alderman Meyer. That way we can vote out anyone who doesn't care to have a little sunshine in Davenport City Hall. Thanks.
Yes, that huge stormwater fee...
Less than a pack of cigarettes, case of pop, or 2 gallons of gas.
You don't even know the meaning of the word Fee QCI. You lived in your parents house until you were 40, then moved into a Davenport taxpayer supported apartment. It's about time you stand on your own two feet and buy and home, and pay bills like the rest of us.
New Years Wish: That the SOLO blog starts up again. That was the best blog on the net.
Come on, call it a stupid fee, call it mis-used, misunderstood, unfair, whatever, but you can't call $2.34 a month "huge."
They should have called it a "Balanced Budget" Fee, but its in the past now.
And its not huge.
The cost of the storm water tax is alot more than homeowners pay on the quarterly bill. Businesses really got soaked with this new fee. They only had one choice, and that was to jack up prices to pay the bill. So everytime you shop for pepsi at the HyVee, or buy at Northpark, or buy xmas gifts at our new downtown on Elmore, or buy a vehicle at screwjacks, the stormwater fee is being passed on to the customers.
Yes QCI you are as naive as the alderman who bungled the stormwater fee. $2.34 is what they had to settle for after wanting a larger fee for residences. It is how they dealt with all the property owners, businesses and non-profits that was the most ignorant and greedy.
All the other Quad Cities have the fee, do you hear any complaints on the level of Davenport.
Besides QCI , you do not actually pay this fee directly, do you?
QCI are you really 40?
Keith - Gaines street needs a good sweeping from Locust to the downtown. Look at the overflowing dumpster where the kwik shop closed at 7th and Marquette please.
The Davenport City Webpage is sure poorly designed. Today, I attempted to find out about the 'no sticker' trash week. As this is something that all homeowners would use, common sense says that it would be on the home page. But not our website. After hunting for 10 minutes unsuccessfully, I was forced to call public works for the info. That high priced I.T. dude needs to use half a brain and make this easy to use. The more people that use the website, the less payroll we need for people to set at public works and answer questions.
Go to the web page, click on news releases, look at the list of recent information, and open the file.
Not tough at all, you were just looking for something to complain about. Right?
Months ago, some of the council members gave Rob Henry from IT some constructive website criticism, and it appears he has done nothing with those suggestions, and the sight is still about impossible to navigate. He needs to make it for an average user; right now only computer nerds can figure the blasted thing out.
The stormwater fee is $1.60, not $2.34.
Not only does the Centenial Bridge need a good sweeping, but the approach {apron} ramp that comes off 2nd street as you are going to go south into rock island. There's alot of loose gravel that makes it hard to stop.
QCI was the one that stated that the fee was $2.34.
Hey, like everyone was quick to point out, I am not a homeowner. I think 2.34 was the original compromise, and then when they recalculated what it would bring in, it was lowered to 1.60 or whatever. Either way, not a huge fee. I still prefer my idea for a cell phone tax instead of the stormwater fee. Then I would be paying the same as most of you folks, despite living in an apartment.
Also, anyone who reads the site at all regularly should know I'm not 40.
The picture from your trip with he alderman to visit the riverfronts made you look in your 50's. How come your almost bald already?
Yeah, I'm losing my hair. Must be all the bad vibes and negativity I get around here. That and genetics.
Just out of curiousity though, what picture from the Louisville/Indy trip are you talking about?
Don't worry about that picture QCI. Remember: what HAPPENS in Louisville, STAYS in Louisville.
Pretty age sensitive QCI. I'm 40 and it's wonderful.
Perhaps try that Donald Trump comb-over!
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