-While I was google searching for the year when Davenport started curbside recycling, I stumbled across this article on Public Works Online. Apparently our compost facility is really the cat's pajamas, at least among the composting crowd. It has always been a source of pride to me that Davenport seems to lead the way in recycling.
-Looking at the bids page on the City of Davenport website, there is an RFP for "Fuel Island Relocation Design." As far as I know, the city has 2 fueling places. One is out at that public works center, and the other is downtown near the skatepark off of Marquette. Its almost impossible to tell from the RFP, but I would guess that the city is seeing how much it will cost to move the fuel tank and pumps out of our redeveloping riverfront. That's a good thing. Now if only they can get rid of the former Ruan terminal down there that's being used to store random trailers and junk.
-I'm working on a post about the Moline bike path and Southpark Mall redevelopment plan, in relation to so-called "lifestyle centers."
Just wanted to mention that if you go to WQAD.com there is raw footage of the last loose greyhound being captured today. (there was still one out loose from the accident Thursday morning) I think it's awesome Dave Struckman decided instead of taking his planned vacation day he spent it looking for this dog. I volunteer at the shelter and have 2 greys of my own. There is a greyhound message board that has a huge following and has been following this story. They are so impressed by the Quad Cities and how much everyone has come together during this tragedy. Right now I am very proud to be from the QC!
P.S. Sorry to hijack your comments, I know this isn't related to your topic but thought you might be interested!
Alderman Meyers: Concerning the pending lawsuit with the speed cameras, if Mary Thee looses this case for us, will taxpayers have to repay only the half we received, and RedFlex will give back their half, or will taxpayers get stuck refunding both halves? Also, is RedFlex paying any of the attorney fees to either an attorney of thier own that is helping our side, or making a contribution to Davenport to pay for all the time that this will eat up of Davenport Staff Attornies? Lastly, thanks for suggesting that we get someone to take it on a contingency basis; but it's too bad that we have 9 other morons setting on the council that don't realize what that means.
Are there 2 fire escapes from the rooftop, and is each apartment equiped with overhead sprinklers, just incase someone with a grill or a careless smoker starts the building on fire?
I have been unable to get a consistent and firm answer to the question of repayment. I have asked that question several times.
The most recent answer has been, if we get to a point where repayment is being asked, the vendor(Redflex) will, at that point, be added to the lawsuit.
Not a fan of the cameras, but I do not see Redflex having to pay anything back. Unless their equipment is said to be flawed or provided false data, they have done nothing wrong. The city contracted Redflex to provide a service and data. It is the use of the data that is being questioned.
If the cameras no long generate revenue the city may owe money to Redflex for breach of contract.
It appears that there is a trend in the legal department that we lack an attorney that has the expertise to write a contract to protect the taxpayers. In the past few months we have had problems with the riverboat, the freighthouse, the hotel, the baseball stadium, and now the red light camera's. Council should take a hard look at the three staff attorney's, and replace the least productive one with a person who is expert in contracts. This would be money well spent.
This pending lawsuit with the possibility of over a million dollar payout will also affect the way that the credit agencies grade Davenport the next time that we go out to bond new CIP projects, or Refinance at a lower rate, existing bonds. So this could cost us twice: a refund to people that paid the tickets, and higher interest rates on bonds.
Hey Anon 3:35
Alderman Meyer's email:km@ci.davenport.ia.us
Hey Anon 9:31: Green Thumbers has Plastic Pink Flamingo's 60% off - they would look just Lovely in front of your DoubleWide.
The good news is: Howard is no longer Mayor Pro Tem. The bad news is: The mayor chose Frink to fill the job. Bad choice. Keith Meyer is the person who has worked the hardest, and deserves to have that position.
I agree about the legal department. It continues to operate in a substandard manner for the city. We need some new lawyers. I think first off to thier credit, they are overworked and not specialized enough. One chould handle contracts, the other tickets, the other rental stuff, the other to do the suits against the city for employee stuff, etc. Also, thye need to be trained on how to be nice to people. There are 2 attorneys there who shouldn't speak to a dog like they speak to citizens. This is terrible.
It seems as though the city staff in general need an attitude adjustment. From the experiences I am hearing of by other people and the ones I have had, it must be a terrible place to work. We talk abotu customer service, the city is weak on that.
It was Bladel and Alderman Ambrose that thought up this speed camera idea. We can thank them when we are paying out millions in refunds, and money to settle lawsuits.
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