I hope that in 2006 Davenport can:
5. Reduce crime. Somehow, some way, make Davenport safer. Enough said.
4. Help prairie Heights succeed. I'm a big fan of new urbanism, mostly

3.Continue the downtown "momentum." As much as people would like to pretend that all the downtown progress isn't working, it really is. The Crescent Loft district is sprouting new downtown living, new businesses are moving downtown, and PEOPLE can actually be seen walking around on downtown streets. Continuing this will help keep the 20-somethings (my generation) from going elsewhere.
2. Redevelop the former Showcase Cinema and Ramada/Wickliffe Inn on North Brady. These 2 parcels add up to over 25 acres, and

1. That all of us could honor and respect Fly's Rule #3, and honor and respect each other, no matter what their personal politics or views are. No one deserves personal attacks just because they are passionate about their views, whichever side they're on. We're all doing what we think is best for Davenport.
There you went and did it again. You mentioned Fly. You just know some certain anonymous someone's going to bitchslap you for that.
I really agree with the comment about the "momentum" downtown. There have been many less-obvious improvements that have happened gradually, which makes them more difficult to notice. One indicator was that, very quietly, the parking revenue from the new garages went up significantly this year.
You're also right that something desperately needs to be done with the old cinemas. That whole area needs help.
I remember a guy that ran for the 3rd ward (downtown) in the primary
election under these same issues.
1.suffered the most personal attacks.
2.redevelop the Brady,Harrison corridors.
3.backed continued downtown development.
4.worned against dumping Prairie Heights too soon.
5.and crime,crime,crime.
He was from your ward who'd you vote for?
I'd say those all apply pretty well to both Boom and Meyer, and probably a lot of the candidates.
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