Or.... he can just try to sue the city.
On one hand I feel bad that Shawn and his "get Malin out" squad have basically won this round, but on the other hand, taking the $6000 may have truly been an incorrect interpretation of Malin's contract, so he shouldn't be allowed to keep it. Either way, this will sure be a hit with Hamerlinck's monthly meeting crowd (the very crowd that brought forth a

But somehow I think this isn't over. Lawsuits, resignations, something... I feel like something else is still coming.
Beam me up Charlie.
Just look at the need for Davenport city leaders to better control these mole hills. The lack of trust and division of the council is costing the city more than dollars.
Thank you notes keep coming from Bettendorf, Moline, and Rock Island for making their cities appear well run.
Even QCI managed 3 postings today on an issue referred to as the "Malin thing".
The common denominator is Malin. Period. Alderman come and go, but Malin does not. He keeps us polarized and he is unbalanced towards the crooks and whores. No really - I meant to say whores.
Maryellen, McGivern, Ridge, Lubell, etc etc etc.... The list goes on and on.
Malin needs to resign. The mere fact that he is threatening to sue when he is in the wrong shows a failure to take accountability for his actions. Something good leaders have to do.
Is Davenport better since Malin arrived? No. People who don't understand long-term financial rammifcations of what has been done may think so. Those that do know that the bond rating and solvency of our city government are going to be taking a hit for years to come from some of the things Malin has pushed.
In other words does progressive justify being reckless? Does progressive justify unwillingness to ask a few questions (like am I eligible for this raise) before acting?
Simple answer: NO. And this raise issue is only one of many. The rest just hasn't "inadvertently" been asked about yet.
Fat lady ain't sung yet
To the 7:07 anonymous blogger...your degrading comments about individuals whom you named does not reflect QCI or the many others who blog here with respect.
Your impuning others lacks class but then again one with class would not be so rude, even if they disagree with those named.
We need more forward thinking folks in our community not ones that sit back and complain. Malin is not the common denominater in what is wrong with Davenport, it is those who nag and do little to nothing to help improve our community's quality of life.
Mr. Malin needs to pay up or go but I would hope that this over played event will inspire others to become more involved in our community. Perhaps, become an activist like Ald. Meyer and someday get elected.
Conservative Demo here:
7:07's comments are just fine, didn't offend me in any way whatsoever.
This's a blog fer cryin out loud not a Fly hail-hardy-old-chap drink-with-me-now-but-I'll-still-despise-you-tomorrow club.
Great pic QCI of Charlie da Tuna.
I think name slaying is crass but we have our first ammendment rights and so with that said...
Is Mr. Malin still linked to Jennifer Olsen, who has been vying for a city attorney position? There is so much that needs to uncovered at city hall, the cronyism is rampant and staffers are fearful to say it the way it really is for fear of losing their job!
This is a witch hunt pure and simple. Even if Malin resigns or is fired what qualified replacement is the city going to find to replace him. Lets not forget, our form of city government depends on a city manager. Who, in their right mind, would want to come to work for a city if there was even the slightest chance that our nut job council might decide to chase them off?
Knowing how goofy our government is, it surprises me that Malin would have allowed such a blatant opening? I am also surprised our council, charged with the oversight of the city and the city manager, didn't clue into this earlier. Ambrose, Meyer and Lynn have all been there and never raised the issue before - where have they been? As with everything they touch it appears they were asleep at the wheel. Why is no one challenging that they were derelict in their oversight. Once again our nimrod elected officials get a pass and the people that keep the city running get chased out.
Hey, you'll never guess who I saw walking down the street together after the meeting this morning. QCI and McGivern! QCI, you are really starting to make me wonder what you are all about.
Conservative Demo here:
About 10:22's observation: it's said that others judge us according to the company we keep.
I'm not afraid to be seen with anyone, whether I agree with them or not. For example, after the PEDCOR meeting I stood in that same spot talking to Alderman Hamerlinck, who I disagree with on a great many things. I prefer to be hated for what I say, rather than who I talk to.
I guess I've really "made it" if anonymous people are recognizing me on the street...
Young, naive and has no clue = QCI.
Absolute sides leave you only surrounded by people who think alike. Knowing everyone gives you a more clearer picture of what is really going on.
12:59 Old, know it all, doesn't = having a clue. There is a reason for the saying....old fool. Time doesn't always bring wisdom.
QCI would walk down the street with Satan if Satan paid any attention to him. Get off his back. He is young and young and grubbing for attention from any public official who will give it to him.
Doesn't McGivern look bloated to you?
First, TV adds 10#!!!! :)
2nd, your weight tends to increase when you hit 40, and you have an extra 20+ hours a week on your hands....
I would rather be called Satan then bloated, but I appreciate the observation.
And by the way, enjoyed the 2 minute talk with QCI.
fat diminishes wit
YOU look great McG. You sexy thing!
Better watch it QCI this blog is going to turn into a blog sex site for former politicians. PURRRRRR.
It was good to see good old McGivern again at the special council meeting. Not only has he ballooned up nicely, but his bald spot has expanded about 10 times it's origional size in the past few months. Whichever staffer was running the camera at the meeting got several nice views.
We've certainly reached the level of intelligent discussion on this thread that Fly was hoping for when he helped start the QC blog scene...
Conservative Demo here:
Aw QCI, this'll go away and we can get back to reading just the JLCH guy and the ones who needle you on several themes.
QCI so quickly forgets how easily he was manipulated by McGivern while he was in office, and also the FLY hoodwinked QCI on a grand scale. It appears that McGivern still has his hooks into QCI, and will use him again during the next election cycle.
Any specifics on that, or just vague accusations?
All these acquisitions, because I had a two minute sidewalk chat?
Conservative Demo here:
"acquisitions" ??
Surely just a typo but . . . . ironic? Schnibbling der schnappes this aft?
Everyone should watch the special council meeting, when during public with business, you can watch QCI digging out some honkers while sitting in the back of the room. That Cave Camera catches all. :)
Funny how McGivern has real estate takeovers on his mond still. Just like when he was an alderman and chair of community and economic development. Or he is drinking too much scotch again.
Just like when he was in office.
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