Anonymous 5:41 PM guessed correctly that it was a building within the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds (before I gave that clue)
Anonymous 11:57 AM guessed correctly that its the Starlite Ballroom.
#1. It's in Davenport, but not in downtown. I'll give more clues later but at the moment it wouldn't be fair. (that was a secret clue)
#2. Its within the fairgrounds
It's Thursday, so here we go again.

Bandshell at Leclaire Park.
old armory by the casino rock island?
Keep guessing. Maybe I've finally found a tough one. I'll give a clue tomorrow night if no one gets it.
This is a great game! I've thought of doing it before but never did.
When I first saw the picture, I immediately thought it was the LeClaire bandshell as well, only to find that was the first guess submitted.
I'm looking forward to more. Again, great idea!
Wow. Good one. There's very little in the way of visual clues as to if it is big or small. I was going to guess the stage at the park near Alleman High School but a second look makes me wonder if it isn't something much smaller, like a window or a door. Again good one.
The Howard Johnson Hotel
It's the all inclusive hotel in the Bahamma's that Van Fossen called from when he attended last week's council meeting by long distance phone call.
Hey, I said I was going to use a blade of grass if people kept getting them too fast. I figure this is easier than that. I'll post a clue in the early afternoon today if no one's gotten it.
It appears semi-modern construction, maybe concrete block with dryvit exterior. And I see a vent towards the lower portion of the pic.
So I say the Car Wash (the tunnel, where they do all the work for you) over on Grant Street in downtown Davenport.
Okay, then I say the Miracle Carwash on E. Kimberly Road....
Possibly the best guess yet, but no. By best guess I just mean that K's has those colors, not that you were close to getting it right.
A building at the Miss valley Fair Grounds -- am I at least warm?
Anyone care to guess which building?
The Starlight
pretty close to that blade of grass
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