Empty boxes ready for pizzas at the start, and towards the end, a truck loaded with boxes full of pizzas.

About 1500 pizzas an hour being made.
Nearly 8,000 pizzas were made, bagged, and boxed in less than 6 hours. A lot of good kids and their families and friends helping a good cause.
How are you associated with Spirit? You're too old to be in the group. Were you once in Spirit? My daughter was in Spirit 15+ years ago. Great bunch of people.
We got our pizzias Saturday. Good as ever!!
My parents were in it practically at its inception, and are I think technically on the board of directors. This is about my 20th pizza sale, but I was never actually in the group myself. Not much of a singer/dancer...
Good job QCI! I bought five of them and had a couple last night.
They are a great value for the money. Even better when you doctor them up with extra goodies!
I remember Spirit in the 70's. I was just in grade school and the group would sometimes do full rehearsals in our neighbors backyard.
Many of those kids are still around in this community doing good things and raising families.
I don't believe so, but I'll ask a few people. They used to do things in cooperation with other similar groups from around the country and Canada, so they traveled a lot back in the 70's. They may have even made more than one album. I know that one of the record covers has the group singing in front of the castle at Disney World on the front. I kind of wish that they had a website, or that I had the skills to offer to make them one.
I was there at the Disney concert. I was in the Orlando group "Life Unlimited". A friend of mine & I came up to Davenport to visit Spirit for a week right after that Florida trip. Those were the days. I know they did at least two albums if not more. I have one. Life Unlimited is no more. I am glad to hear that Spirit is still going strong. By the way, Pizza sales is what generated the $ to get the group to Orlando. Thanks for the memories!!
It's nice to see that Spirit Inc. is alive and kicking! I was in the Canadian group Faith Unlimited from Windsor back in the 80's. We visited Davenport on one weekend and Spirit Inc. visited us. Oh and I also remember the We Together singers from South Bend, Indiana. Gosh, those were great times!!
I went on the Canda trip to visit Faith Unlimited...what a blast! QCI are your folks Bonnie and ??? Can't remember her husband's name...Spirit really does need a website so us alums can all hook up!
I was in Spirit, Inc. from about 1994-1997 or so. Awesome time and those were some great pizzas ;-) I keep thinking about making a website so maybe I will now!
I was in Spirit, Inc in '78-9. And there were at least 3 records (I have that many:). Good, clean fun, and a great way to meet girls (which is why I joined:).
Yes, those were great time. I was in "We Together" from around 88-92. I know there has to be some people other than me googling Spirit, We Together, Faith and there was also a sister group in Appleton, Wisconsin although i can't remember there name right now. They were back together a short time and came to South Bend for a weekend. Anyone can get a hold of me if they would like, it would be nice to hear from some people again. E-mail me at Purdue06@gmail.com.
Talk to ya soon,
Mike Highfield
Spirit Inc. made at least two records, one in 1976 one earlier, and maybe more than that. I was in on the 1976 one as one of the guitarists. That's also one of the years the group went to Canada to tour, and visit with Faith Unlimited. I wonder if THEY are still around !!
YES Spirit needs a Web site so all us alums can hook up !
I'm an alumni of Spirit Inc., 1988-1990.
I still keep in touch with a few other Spirit Inc. alumni and they're doing well. Regretfully, I have lost touch with all members of Faith Unlimited and We Together. They had been sister groups to Spirit Inc. out of Canada and Indiana, but I believe I've heard that both sister groups are no longer thriving... or even a group any longer.
I've two daughters that I'd love to see join Spirit Inc. but seems they have their own agendas and youth groups don't seem to be finding their ways into their busy high school schedules. Never enough time in their day nor enough days in their week.
I treasure the memories I've made as a member of the group. Of course, some more than others. I've met some amazing and remarkable people, done some pretty amazing things, and I've been places that I otherwise wouldn't have.
And those pizzas!!! They make a really great base for a really good taco pizza once you doctor 'em up a bit. I know they still have these pizza sales, so... how come no one ever calls ME? I buy my pizzas off of my parents and they make a $2/pizza profit off of me. I'm going to have to do something about this.
How come Spirit Inc. doesn't have a web page? Good idea, you know?
God bless Spirit Inc. and all the people whose lives it has somehow touched.
Mike Highfield~
Your email address doesn't seem quite right. Is something lacking?
Hey, check this out!! A web site for Spirit Inc. is being created for purposes of; promoting the group, staying in touch.
Even though this site is a work in progress, all current members, alumni of Spirit Inc. as well as it's fellow sister groups are welcome to check it out.
Spirit Inc. changed my life from 88-91--- then I had to move to Colorado. I google Spirit Inc. every now and then trying to find something, and today I found this. I would love to see a web site that would post some old pics and songs. Please email me once there is a site. triciamansfield@mail.com
I was in Spirit when we went to Canda and also Indiana. Had a great time. Still think about all the great friends that I met. Only had the oppertunity to do one pizza sale but it was a great time. If anyone goes uo to facebook there is a group that was formed called 'we togeather'. It has people that were in We Together, Spirit and Faith.
If I remember right Bonnie's husband is Harold. At least that is the name that has popped into my head when I read that post.
I've begun a website but haven't done to much in it... I'll work on it more as I find time to do so.
I hope that I get it off and running by late Spring. Suggestions greatly appreciated.
As Diane mentioned... Facebook also has a place where fellow alumni and hopefully current members of Spirit Inc. as well as alumni of disbanded sister groups.
Look up: We Together - that's where you'll find quite a few of us.
I'm Shannon, BTW. I entered above comment. I forgot my account info and found it easier to submit anonymously.
Actually the facebook site is under the name "We Together Forever". I always wondered where the people I knew from those groups ended up!
I was a member of the Sole Singers from Combined Locks,WI and went on to found the Daybreak SIngers in Appleton, WI. We traveled to and from Davenport to sing with Spirit. Fond memories---the early to mid 70's. Group members that I can remember are Matt Feeney, Jim Schlomer, Barb Murphy, Martha Wadley...
Sole SIngers has a reunionevery summer, 2nd weekend in June with a mass and concert at St. Paul's COmbined Locks on the Sunday of the weekend
be sure to check out the alumni of We TOgether, Faith Unlimited and Spirit Inc on Facebook. They'll be happy to have you!!
It is Great to find Spirit and We Together still in the trenches it puts a big smile on my face. I am alumni from the canadian group faith unlimited and have had the privilidge of being in davenport back in the late 80S and also hosting them in Canada I miss you all so much so Gerry Gajdics gonna find you all take care and keep your hockey stick on the ice
After looking at the pictures Glyn had posted on Facebook for Life unlimited i looked for Spirit Inc. once again. This is Charlie Wells and I was in Spirit in the mid 70's and remember those days fondly. From the trips on the big yellow bus to all the people we met. I am glad to know Spirit is going strong. What an impact Tom Downs made on SO many people's lives....gadget157@yahoo.com
Spirit, Inc does have it's own Facebook page now too! http://www.facebook.com/spirit.inc
Regarding Steve Kuiper's comment, I was ahead of him in Sole Singers a few years. Fr. Tom founded it in 1968, I joined through my best friend a year later. Indeed great memories, but we painted our bus blue and travelled. In fact, this weekend, 40 years ago, we spent our high school graduation weekend in Sauk Rapids MN with that group of great people. Was invited to return with the Sole Singers a few months later. The bus picked me up on the interstate, as my college, was on the way... So, I found Spirit but not We Together on FACEBOOK!
Follow-up: made one of those reunion weekends and it was a blast. My scouting commitments also fall on that weekend so I miss more than I really want to. Carry on!
I was also a member of the Sole Singers along with my brothers and sisters(6 of us) Anybody remember the Nettekovens? As the younger one I basically I grew up with the Sole Singers. I was a member around 78-82. I remember the Spirit Inc and we together trips. I have a few We Together/Spirit Inc albums yet. I also have an old Sole Singer album. I remember the Canadian group starting, but never sang with them. I also joined Daybreak 82 when Sole Singers ended. My brothers and sisters have always sang and played guitar, they are very talented. But I don't know if any of us would have found our voices without the Sole Singers.
Ken Cyr here... We Together Singers 1983 - 1985. We had a reunion last summer that went very well. Alumni came from as far as Florida for the event. The memories are still kicking.
Photos and posts at:
Does anyone know how I can find some old Sole Singers albums or transfers to CDs? I have two vinyl copies and would love to have more of their music. Enjoy the album covers, too.
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