This is a rather bold step, as it alienates Alderman Barnhill, which has been a constant supporter of the Mayor. As I understand it, the Mayor believes this is typical city council micromanagement. If you review his past, this makes sense given wide powers the County Administrator has enjoyed over the years.
Thankfully for Thee, Malin is not a reactionary kind of guy. Its well known Thee supported this move and did everything possible to see it clear. What the fall out will be is unknown. My sources tell me to look at an attempt of some elected officials to continue this type of agenda.
Yours truly,
how does he/she get this info before Tom Saul???
Winborn is a clueless fat dope unfortunately with the final say.
He enjoys throwing his weight around. It is going to be a long painful struggle until the next election folks!
...and then who will replace him?
I'm not disagreeing that he could be ousted, but I really don't know who will be the front-runners next time.
...6:43 AM
Yeah, and some people want extended terms. Can you imagine Winbrook for 4 years as mayor?
Hamerlink for Mayor in O7! Go Shawn, go!
I hate to say it, but I saw this kind of crap coming. Who in their right mind voted for Windbag???
anon 10:22
I hope you are right about Hamerlink running for Mayor. It will be the end of him....
If we want Shawn to run, I think we all need to express our feelings to him. He really is one in a million, and he could clear up this whole problem of two bad mayors in a row.
Let me be among the first to say:
Shawn, please run. This City needs you!
Micromanagement seems to be Hammerlink's style, he would last about a month as mayor before he burned out plus I have yet to see anything positive that he has accomplished in his long and distinguished political career of four months.
Give him a couple of years as alderman, see what he has done to improve the city and his ward and then see if you feel the same way about him as having any leadership qualities. Right now he comes across as being rather abrasive and not the type you would want as a consensus builder, only time will tell.
Why do people say things like "clueless fat dope" instead of Mayor Winborn or just Winborn. Makes you sound like a 5th grader out on the playground, not an adult with something constructive to say.
While Hamerlinck is extremely popular in the 2nd ward, I don't think he would have the broad appeal to win as mayor. But I suppose Niky would be the one to ask about that.
Anon at 1:48...
2 bad mayors in a row? So you mean Winborn and Brooke? Yet it was under Yerington's watch that the much hated River Renaissance was actually created and passed. Why is it people always forget it was Yerington and that council that created River Renaissance and Yerington who was one of the first elected officials to challenge Niki?
A lot of people don't let silly things like facts get in the way of their arguments, especially when they're anonymous.
What Yerington oversaw was a different situation with different dollars. He has a different idea of how things are now. I believe he said something to the effect of RR "went in as an innocent cute little baby and ended up as a spoiled rotten juvenille delinquent" or something like that.
Brooke and Winborn are not fit to shine the man's shoes.
To Anon at 6:13...
Except...Yerington developed everything that people who hate River Renaissance complain about... even the sky bridge. He didn't just oversee - he helped create everything that is occuring and has occured in downtown. This is his legacy.
I was at the press conference when the Vision Iowa Grant was announced and he sat there with Davenport One at the future location of the sky bridge. Phil spoke passionately about the need to invest in the downtown. He impugned Niki and her gang. He challenged anyone who thought RR was a bad idea. When the referendum passed he was at the same victory party as Dana Waterman, Dan Huber and the rest of Davenport's monied class.
For all of Charlie's puffing he merely oversaw the implementation of River Renaissance. Once the contract was signed (which I believed was still while Yerington was mayor) there wasn't much anyone could do except implement the plan.
You bemoan Brooke, Howard, and the rest of the council for being D1 lap dogs, but Phil was the original D1 lap dog.
What could have been done differently to build the sky bridge, the Figge, renovate the Redstone building, or upgrade the Adler? What would Phil have done differently? Probably puff and pick fights but in the end resolve or change nothing.
Its easy to forget these things, especially when a historical perspective really doesn't help your cause.
Shawn for mayor and Niky for City Administrator. That combo would bring staff to attention in a hurry.
That combination would kill this city, come on people, think!
I don't know if Nicky could get in, but if she could, it would be the best thing that ever happened to this City. Think about it. Here the woman has taken every hit possible form the City on her development on 53rd. In spite of that, her condos are almost 100% sold out at a profit, even before they are built. She may not always be nice, but she is one smart business person. And that is what this City needs.
And, as for the more realistic possibility, Hamerlink for Mayor, that may very well happen. And he would be a world class Mayor who would stop the ridiculous spending fast.
Go Shawn, go!
Then why is only one building built?
I would also guess that Niky is having a little trouble selling her condos as she has gone through 3 realty firms and is now trying to market them herself. That $30 million tax base may just take a few years to materialize.
anon 10:12
Check the County Assessors web site. Use "Via Fontana" as the street name and press search. You will see how many of the condos at the "Midwest Mediterranean" have been sold. Right now there is one. Don't believe all of the sand Ms Bowles pounds.
A couple of thoughts...
First of all, we don't know how many of the condos are currently in escrow waiting to be sold. Secondly, unlike the City, Ms. Bowles is probably smart enough not to inccur more debt until the first phase is successful. That is why we need her at City Hall.
How can you people say "Hamerlinck for mayor"?? (It pains me just to quote you).
I haven't seen this guy make a statement yet that wasn't already written out for him. Just watch him at the council meetings.
Yea, who would ever want to think about something before they said it. Writing it down first, what a stupid thing to do. God, he must be a dumb ass!
Or, maybe it's the anon. 8:46am who is the DA!
Question is, WHO is writing it down for him??
It's just got to be Niky, WHO and the hell else could it be.
At least with Frink we know WHO [D1] writes his stuff.
Who is bank rolling Hamerlinck and to what end?
To ANON 8:46, you obviously haven't been to one of Hamerlinck's monthly ward meetings. The guy is unscripted and fields questions extremely well. Ask QCI.
People sure seem to be worried about him. Perhaps with good reason?
In a word, Hamerlink is brilliant.
At the tender age of 25, he is already a Professor teaching at Blackhawk! And, his ability to think on his feet has indeed been well proven at his ward meetings. If I were taking bets, and I am a betting lady, I would put my money on him for Mayor in 07!
The photo in this guest post cracks me up! I do not think that the "clueless fat dope" comment by the second writer is far from the target. Personally, to borrow a line from the movie Animal House, "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life" seems more appropriate. Thanks!
Adjunct Professor according to his bio. Look it up.
Anyone who has the lines from "Animal House" memorized is hardly qualified to determine the stupidity of others.
Oh, well that is certainly damning. Only an Adjunct Professor at age 25? C'mon, admit it; that is a great accomplishment!
My bet would be Mayor in 07, perhaps U.S. Senator or Representative after that, perhaps Governor when he gets to be a bit older, and who knows after that?
Given the man's brilliance in office so far, President Hamerlink could be a possibility.
Somebody has a crush...
QCI, I think you are jealous...
Check out the "Separated at Birth" photo of Winborn on SOLO if you want a good laugh.
I just thought the Governor/President post was so over the top that it might be parodying some of the other posts, but I'm thinking it was serious.
But yeah... he's not the only young person who cares about Davenport politics.
When are you going to make your move to the big show, QCI?
Ah, so the truth is out. QCI is jealous of Hamerlink in the spotlight and he will soon be announcing his own candidacy. God help us.
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