Will the Swing get sold? Will the stadium get locked up?
Will tomorrow's "Where in the QC is this?" take longer than an hour to figure out?
Will the new Davenport sign being constructed between Brady and Welcome Way be as big as the Hollywood sign?

How's the 53rd Street construction mess working for you NoLo (or NoKi?) people?
Will I ever find my way out of this cave?
I read on one of the blogs that Niky has gone through 3 realtors and is now trying to sell her condos on her own.
My wife called to tell me see just saw a TV commercial on AMC (Station 24 on Mediacomm) with Niky herself on it trying to hawk her gaudy condos herself.
Gaudy is way too nice of a word for that monstrosity.
Hey hey hey, the condos aren't gaudy (I don't think), just the entrance to them.
Niky is gaudy.
If we are doing the "i Heard thing" then I heard that a property owner south of cobblestone terrace of JLCS fame is in a battle with the city because he is getting "major" water in his yard due to the development. It appears that the city and JLCS didn't deal adequately with the run off issue when they got the zoning permit. Perhaps those neighbors were correct.
Or maybe they're grasping at straws since Cobblestone didn't cause their neighborhood to become Cabrini Green.
I walked this area, southeast and down hill from Cobblestone Terrace, with a neighbor after the heavy rains and it was immediatedly apparent that storm water issues had not been adequately dealt with. I pointed them out to Dee in Public Works. She thought a drain had been installed where one was not, and immediatedly put in a new outlet with a asphalt curb to exit the water. We are presently working on resurfacing of North Vine and beautification of the area.
Cabrini Green became Cabrini Green before 15 years passed. We're not out of any woods yet.
QCI: You are an ignorant ass.
If you would do any kind of homework you would know that the neighbors in that area debated with the developer and the city over the drainage issue. It was reviewed and reviewed and revamped, etc because there is a huge problem with run off and the confirmed concern was that taking the green space would create a bigger problem with the already big run off issue. It turns out that the alley North was not dealt with as promised by JLCS and still floods. The developer promised that it would be fixed and then after the place was built, they when back on their promise. Now, the resident who lives off of Warren is getting tons of water in his yard and the city is acknowledging that there is an issue with the run off. So, stick to your "where is this is the QCA?" and stay out of your ignorant comments on things you have no idea about.
My guess is that the city will use our public funds to bail JLCS out AGAIN.
I didn't deny that there could be a drainage issue. I'm pointing out that contrary to predictions, the neighborhood hasn't been destroyed by Cobblestone.
No one is saying the neighborhood is destroyed. On the contrary, how do you know? Anytime there is policy in place that concentrates poverty in a certain area of town only, then that neighborhood is destroyed. Furthermore, go and talk to the guy with all the water on his property from a development that should not have been build there - for many reasons.
QCI is always shooting off his mouth about things he knows nothing about. Good riddance.
So go read someone's blog whose opinion you respect.
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