Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuesday TouchPlay

This is an interesting article from the QCTimes about TouchPlay machines.

I especially liked this part,
"At a convenience store in Waterloo, gamblers dropping dollars in the Iowa Lottery’s TouchPlay video gambling devices are welcomed around the clock with free soda, coffee and a place to smoke while they play.Those amenities and the around-the-clock access have made Waterloo’s Pantry Express home to the busiest TouchPlay machine in the state.....“We have a couple of times — late morning, early afternoon — when it’s kind of slow. But other than that they’re pretty much going all the time,” store manager Pat Smith said. Pantry Express has four TouchPlay machines in a room within sight of the cash register that is monitored by video surveillance.“We try to make it very comfortable,” said Smith, who wants to add free popcorn as a perk for people trying their luck at TouchPlay."

Now if only we could get rid of these pesky gas pumps and hot dog cookers, we could bring in 20 more TouchPlay machines and change the name to Waterloo's Pantry Casino.

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