I dislike Walmart, and try to go there as little as possible. That said, I'm not very financially "comfortable" (spend too much on rent) so I can't really afford to pay much higher prices on principle. One thing I learned in my time in Macomb, (where Walmart is one of only 2 places to buy household items) was that the best times to do your shopping there are between 1 and 4 in the morning. Here in Davenport, I'd say this is even more true. Think Elmore is a pain? Its a 4 lane pleasure drive at 1:30am.
I swung through downtown to see what was up on the way uptown. What was up? Not a whole lot. I did see a car parked across from the Starting Line on Brady Street that had enough snow on and around it to show that it had been there since at least Saturday night. I believe the limit in Davenport is 24 hours, so I hope it will be gone by morning. Unless the parking attendants have given up on even writing tickets since we don't make people pay them.
Sitting in the drive-thru at McDonalds on East Kimberly on my way home, I could see there were flashing lights on the other side of Eastern. Big surprise, some sort of disturbance at Las Bananas. Actually it was somewhat surprising to me because it was quarter to 2am on a Sunday night. Seems like all these folks should be getting to bed so they can get up for their jobs in the morning... They must all work 3rd shift like me. That particular club/bar is the poster child for charging a fee for frequent police calls. At one point I know the police would just count on spending from 1:30-2:30am on one particular night a week babysitting the customers as they got in their cars and headed home. I believe this was a few months after a stabbing had taken place in the lot at closing time. It seems like any business requiring such heavy police attention should lose their liquor license, or at least be heavily charged or fined. Just shows not all problems are south of Locust.

Your comment about Las Bananas being a place that should pay its own police and fire calles begs the question - are there other places who should as well? How about place like the project based housing - like Castlewood and Horizon Homes? HOw about John Lewis? How about the Shricker? Are there places in Davenport who attract criminals, but should get a pass because they provide housing to the disadvantaged?
No they should not get a pass either.
I don't think anyone should be exempt, I was just saying that Las Bananas is a perfect example of the problem.
QCI, would you say the same thing about one of your gay bars on 2nd street?
I don't own any bars.
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