I decided that on my way to pick up my weekly late Sunday night fast food, I'd take a spin around town and see how the cleanup was going. Armed with the seemingly common sense knowledge of not driving into water I don't know the depth of, I set out to check on the spots I had photographed earlier. Third and fourth streets near the QCTimes were back to normal, and River Drive was mostly cleared of large debris. I can't be sure at night, but I believe that parts of River Drive have actually been scoured by water and rocks until they are rough. The Federal and Farnam sinkhole was more heavily barricaded, and the dump truck load of gravel and debris that came out of the sinkhole had been bulldozed out of the way.

I was pretty impressed with the cleanup actually, and anyone who didn't watch the news last night or look at pictures this morning might not even know how bad it was. However, I think every small asphalt patch in any Davenport street has been washed away, so our roads are populated with unfilled holes and hole-sized chunks of loose asphalt.
That really is an impressive response, considering that there must have been many areas needing attention.
Thank you, thank you! The city did a great job. There are so many complaints going on right now and it is so refreshing to hear some good, rational comments.
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