I've been meaning to call the Illinois DOT to ask what the heck is up with the Centennial Bridge lights not being on. Davenport and Rock Island's River Vision plan called for lighting Lock and Dam 15, maybe the Government Bridge, and the Crescent Railroad Bridge, not unlighting things that we've already got right. I remember standing in Centennial Park with what seemed like thousands of other people, (I was 6, I barely remember it) all holding penlights purchased to pay for the lighting of the bridge. I was worried that when the State of Illinois took possession they may have nixed the lights.
Fortunately, while searching local news sites during the wacky weather Sunday, I ran across this blurb at KWQC.com. It basically says that a truck took out an all-important wire that keeps the lights on, but that it should be repaired soon. I look forward to seeing them back on, and now I don't have to wait on hold for hours while the IL DOT tries to figure out who I should be transferred to.
The lights on Centennnial Bridge are maintained by a division of River Action, not the State of Illinois. An electrical company has been hired to repair the extensive damage. A truck, rumored to be an IDOT snowplow, took out hundreds of feet of conduit.
Thanks for the info puzzler. I had read that about the division of River Action, but the article I read it in was pre-transfer to IL. I wasn't sure if things had changed. I didn't know that it was hundreds of feet of electrical conduit though, which would be funny if it hadn't taken them so long to fix.
Conservative Demo here:
Col Dav submits here while his own blog goes dead on the vine!
Let me tell ya, its a lot easier to think of a comment than an entire post.
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