Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How long?

Hotel Blackhawk opens today, unveiling 4-year, $35 million restoration -QCTimes (December 16th)

Market-rate Apartments: 20
Market-rate Apartments vacant upon opening: 0

Luxury apartments open in former eyesore -QCTimes

Market-rate Apartments: 24
Market-rate Apartments vacant upon opening: 1

How long before that last one is rented? I'd be willing to bet it is taken by the end of today.

How long before the negative folks like Mark Nelson admit that they are wrong about downtown Davenport? Who knows...


Anonymous said...

News Flash.... My wife and I and another couple (we all live in NW Davenport) actually drove downtown to eat at a restaurant on 3rd street last night. We had a great meal, served by a wonderful waitress. We saw NO “homeless people” or “prostitutes”. There was a steady flow of people coming in the place for a Wednesday night.

Anonymous said...

Every new downtown project since John Connally has been praised as being the gift horse that would turn everything around. Instead the taxpayers have had to back everything up. Time afer time. So time again will tell if the Blackhawk Hotel and this new St Louis restoration on Fourth and Brady is any different. Don't hold your breath. Just send some of your extra change, Image, to the City to help pay for the parking ramps.