Some utility construction is going on in the area of 4th and Iowa. You wouldn't know it from the above image, but Iowa Street is CLOSED to southbound traffic. Yet its practically a constant stream of cars driving around the Road Closed signs and onto the wrong side of the yellow lines, and directly towards oncoming traffic. I hate people who feel that signs and laws don't apply to them, and I think that the police could beat the red light cameras at fund-raising if they posted a squad car at the intersection to ticket everyone who ignores the barricades and signs. And then double it for being a construction zone. As if people can't drive 1 block out of their way.
Sometimes I have to rant about things.
*Apologies to Paul on the post title
Guess you must be one of them!
Its the attitude that, "oh, that doesn't mean me..." that bothers me.
Oh my God! Where's our SWAT team when you need them.
Oh windinghills, What you think are clever little remarks fall way short of anything resembling a clever remark.
Get over it QCI, you get so upset up traffic laws being violated but you don't seem to care the all around you in your area of town there are drugs deals and thugs all over. How about helping you neighborhood by making a big deal about the dealers. Demand action when it comes to crappy rental properties and other places that condone and house serious criminal activities.
The other sign says, SLOW NEWS DAY AHEAD.
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