Obviously the QCTimes has some influence around here. They write an editorial about how the Bix at 6 is getting slightly out of control (although I disagree) and next week there are big changes. This week they left one lane of 4th Street open from Iowa west to Brady instead of closing it. My running source tells me that the police were also closely enforcing the "Bix at 6" idea and keeping everyone off the sidewalk until after 6pm. Maybe this will be a good enough compromise for the angry neighbors.
Dont call this a compromise you condescending *****. People are entitled to get to their homes and businesses. They deserve this cooperation from the runners and should have had it from the get go.
That comment's an excellent argument for my side.
No, it isn't. It means you don't get it.
If you are so self-centered that you can't spare a 5 minute delay a few times per YEAR, than you need to relax and learn patience. No one in the QC, except for possibly a doctor on the way to an emergency, is so important that they can't take a 5 minute detour. Too many people just think they're that important.
I tried to get across Brady this evening and it was an unfortunate nightmare. This so inappropriate and not fair to the homeowners in that area. If I lived there, I seriously would run some runners down and tell the 'guards' (not the police) where to shove it. And then I would cross the street and go to my house.
I would love to see the amount of police presence in those areas all the time. Don't want those white NOLOERS to get scared here SOLO.
I am not self centered. I wait for many things in life and don't resent it. My friends and coworkers also know me to be a patient person. What you don't get is that events like Bix at 6 dont take into consideration the people NOT participating. Residents and businesses and visitors have suffered unneccessary and preventable disruption. BIx at 6 has become a major event -- six major events -- and need thorough organization and support as does the Bix Race. You saw how easily some of the situation was made better -- more police, enforcement of the 6 PM start time, and keeping a very important lane open for traffic, which also improves the safety of River Drive. This could have been figured out before this third week. This is not the first year "angry neighbors" have pointed out problem spots. Residents have been put down for objecting to haphazard and inconsiderate planning from this event's committee. I suggest that many of the disagreements we have in Davenport surrounding new development, festivals, and events can be traced to disregarding how people in place will be effected. It's proceed on. Then when people assert their need for peace, safety, cleanup, or simple unharrassed access to their homes, they are painted as unreasonable troublemakers.
I think I saw you on the Palmer skywalk when I ran by. The people of the SOLO area have dealt with the Bix at Six for years and now they complain. This is bullsh#t. They still have access to River Drive.
QCI what is your side and who is on it? Do you have a logo?
River Drive is getting scary too. Cars rerouted from 4th Street make traffic very heavy. Any those drivers who can't get onto 4th arrive on River Drive angry and confused. Can signs be posted along River Drive forwarning about the temporary closing of 4th, and marking the detour? NOT EVERYONE LIVES HERE OR IS AWARE OF THESE RUNS. Anyone who thinks that is true is selfcentered.
I dont' have to spare 5 minutes because I can take River Drive and get home without crossing the race route. But unlike you QCI I have compassion for the people who cant' get home. It's more than 5 minutes and the race volunteers are incredibly self important. I've heard them be called Nazi's and I have to agree. Last year I forgot about the practice and had to wait. It wasn't the wait that blew my top. It was the Nazi who mocked me (I am not exagerrating) when I hesitated a nano-second in crossing the road, which I did because the directions from the NAzi and the cop contradicted each other. I chose not to proceed for fear I would hit a runner. The Nazi mocked me then walked away from her post.
QCI you clearly have more free, unstructured time than many people. You could not do this blog and attend so many events and meetings if that wasn't true. I believe you also come home in the early morning hours after your work day so you probably don't encounter these kind of frustrations. Try to have more understanding for the Angry People.
The traffic control setup was the same tonight as it has been for the last few years. Traffic has always been allowed to travel in the south two lanes of 4th St between Iowa and Brady. This year it has been limited to one lane because of two construction projects in the area. That will change as these projects move their trafffic control out of the street in the coming weeks.
There were no changes tonight. Police officers did however try to keep the early starters out of the streets along the route. They appeared pretty frustrated at the lack of cooperation from the runners.
Patience people.
Dear Al,
Better planning people. Use the Nazis to keep the early runners off the streets.
Actually the planning for this event is pretty good. It is easy for people who live south of the race route to get home or away from home using River Drive. Likewise people who are north of the route can use Locust. The problem is that it may require a little planning on a motorist's part to use these routes as opposed to the straight line they are used to taking. I can't blame them for being pissed, but there are bigger things in this world for people to stress over than getting home 5 minutes later than normal. Just TVO Wheel of Fortune on Thursday nights in June and July.
I'm tired and going to bed. I have no further comment on this trivial subject.
Aside from the top comment, I'd say all the comments here have good points. I am not necessarily defending the people guarding the crossing points. The only place I've crossed in a car this year has been 4th and Pershing, and the cop there was pretty decent, but that's only 1 crossing out of dozens. I do have empathy for the people inside the route, and I'm surrounded too. However, I've witnessed people becoming completely irate after literally a 3 minute wait, so I think there ARE people out there who need to learn patience.
As far as not changing from the last 2 weeks, I have pictures of 4th street being closed entirely from River to Brady for the first and second week. I ate supper on the benches across from the River Center and watched part of the first Bix at 6 this year, and 4th was most definitely closed.
The one lane open thing seemed like a logical idea to me, as did enforcing the "Bix at 6" schedule. I don't know what time they reopen the route to traffic, but maybe another compromise would be to push the slow runners and walkers back onto the sidewalk at some point and open it back up earlier.
Yes there are many good points. I also love the top comment it has spunk. I think the ***** spells honey.
Somehow I don't think that's what they had in mind.
The Bix at 6 is a wonderful event! I think the people that are angry need to get off their fat asses and run with the rest of us. You will feel better about life and about yourselves, and you will need to soak up less of our tax dollars when you retire in poor health. Come on, this is only one day a week for six weeks out of the year. You can live with it, just go with it and become part of the solution, not part of the problem
This attitude that people who have concerns about the Bix at Six are sitting on their asses in poor health is exactly what is wrong with some of the runners. God know who evidently has give them a second breath on life and they won't shut their mouths until every one else is an ant in lne at the sugar picnic.
I like that after several years people are complaining (neighbors)- this means they care about thier area and that also means there are perhaps more responsible homeowners in an area that once was full of bad rentals. Keep up the advocacy folks. If this were in Lakehurst, be sure those folks would complain too.
No way. Lakehurst people are in tune with their health, unlike the fat assed complainers that can't walk twenty feet from their cars to their doors. That is what is wrong with this country, we are a bunch of flabby, out of shape whinny people. I chanllenge anybody who is complaining about this to get with the program, throw out your ciggarettes and run the bix at six!
What an idiot you are.
Since the runners have now become self-righteously arrogant, even suggesting longevity stems from making one's ass all sweaty and itchy, let me just remind you running-religion adherants about the short lifespan of the dead woman who is worshipped as some kind of goddess of the stringy-leg set. The dead woman of the recent headstone fracas. Lotta good running did her.
That is ridiculous. There are a lot more of you fat assed ,smoking, twinkie eating, bitching people dead before 50 then there are runners who follow a healthy life style. Look at who runs the Bix next time dude. A fair number of them are in their 60's and 70's. That is because they are healthy and have less stress than you flabby bitchy people. They can handle a few minutes delay a couple of times a year, but if all you do is push the accelerator on your car while you inhale smoke, your blood pressure just boils over. Get a life, put on some running shoes, and join the crowd next Thursday at six. And, if you can't even do that, then at least be like the cool neighbors who sit out on their lawns and cheer the rest of us on. We deserve it, you know!
Conservative Demo here:
11:15 sez:
"cheer the rest of us on. We deserve it, you know! "
Why, I do believe that was written by BETTENDORF BEAUTY.
You really just never know where blog discussions are going to go.
To throw my 2 cents into the pot though, I think runners probably do live longer on average than non-runners.
QCI, you are quite right. And, they have a better mental outlook.
I have waited over half an hour at times to let the runners by, so don't know where this "few minutes" crap is coming from. I think the Bix is great, I admire the participants, I don't have TiVO and I don't watch Wheel of Fortune, but I do have a right to get home without this major pain in the rear. The whole thing is just a publicity stunt and it isn't fair to shove it down the throats of those who aren't the least bit interested in the event.
There are only 2 dead end streets off of the route that I can think of where you couldn't take another street and get down to River Drive. Or, you could just plan ahead, considering its known when these runs will be a year in advance.
I think that's where the "few minutes" quote came from.
I could not agree more. Right on QCI!
All I can say is waaaah to the fat assed, whinny complainers that are against people getting in good shape.
While sitting on my fat ass at the bar haveing a cocktail and smoking a cigarette I noticed that not one ambulance was called, noone fell over, and their was an absence of sweatey stinkey people. I ask you can you say the same about the BIX?
Oh yeah. I have not seen one amublance called, and I can pretty much guarantee that the hospital bill over my life (and drain on the government) will be far less than what will happen to your fat ass. And another thing, after a good run, I can take a shower and smell great. You are still a stinky fat smelly fat ass. The difference is, you can change! Get out there and do something about yourself. Look at it this way, who would people rather get naked with? My trim, well toned body or your oversized sweaty smelly body? Applaude the runners, and then join them.
Silliest... thread.... ever.
Dear citizens of Davenport:
I’ve been coming to the Quad Cities for both the Bix race and the Bix Jazz Festival since 1983. In that time I have only missed Bix twice; this year will be my 22nd Bix 7 race. I also do the Bix at 6; at least I have done it, although I probably will not be able to make it for one of the Bix at 6 runs this year, as they require me to take a half vacation day (I live outside of Chicago).
The issues you’re debating, believe me, have been dealt with by every major road race in the country. And the small races too.
Please understand that you have a community event here that is an immeasurable benefit to the Quad Cities. Beyond the money we all spend, runners and jazz fans alike (and there are more than you might think who fall into both categories) see the QC as a real Midwestern family destination. Without these events, the QC’s recognition level in other parts of the Midwest would be MUCH lower; Augustana, John Deere and the golf tournament notwithstanding.
I hope not to sound real preachy, but sometimes the inconvenience of a few needs to be weighed against the greater benefit to the whole community. I would respectfully put forth the argument that on Bix at 6 nights, residents who are directly affected by street closings consider any or all of the following:
- alter the timing of your commute; have a second beer and another cig before heading home! (just kidding, I think you should pass on the cig) :o)
- consider parking outside of the affected area and having a nice walk down by the river before heading home. Or blow a roll of quarters at the casino.
- use a bike that day, if that is an option for you.
The likelihood is high that these events are not going away any time soon; and I really hope they stay around for a long time. I honestly feel (though as you might point out, it’s easy for me to say, being unaffected personally) that the benefit brought to your towns by these events far, far outweighs the inconvenience that I know some of you suffer.
Finally, while it should go without saying: civility, tolerance and courtesy are vital, on both sides. I was sorry to see this discussion take a nasty turn.
I look forward to running through all of your garden hoses, and high fiving each and every one of you, on July 29th!
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