Lots of surprises in the 7th Ward. I don't know that anyone was surprised that Barnhill made it through the primary, but who would have predicted that Doc Davis would get the least votes? Marcia Patch really came out of nowhere, but her anti-Skybridge rhetoric kind of turns me away. I'm going to have to read more about her now that she's made it to the general election.
Total voters increased in all of the wards that had primaries both this year and in 2005, EXCEPT for the 3rd Ward. What happened? Last time we made impressive gains, at least during the general election. It will be interesting to see how many people vote in November.
Speaking of the 3rd Ward, I believe that Keith is done for. It seems like Alderman Meyer's fans are dedicated enough to him to vote in the primary, but we'll see if a fresh crop of them comes out to vote next month. Consider last election's slim margin with Meyer beating Boom in the primary, I have to think that Boom winning the primary looks good for him.
I suspect that Gluba is safe for Mayor. Unless Jamie really did bring out Republicans to vote for her, who are then going to be faced with a choice of two Democrats, I think most of her voters will go for Gluba.
Looks like Hamerlinck will be back in 2008, doing his best to micromanage the city. Apparently that's what the 2nd ward wants.
We all need to do whatever we can for Cunningham in the 5th ward, but its definitely not looking good at this point. How can anyone support the landlords when they continue their negative autodialers, instead of just admitting that they support candidates? Our circus is bad enough without mudslinging.
I still want to know if anyone else got autodialer calls that were listed as being from public schools on Caller ID. Something seems very fishy about that.
Last, but not least, Jamie Howard. She has taken far more crap on the blogs than she deserved. At her best, she can be a very classy lady. At her worst, she has definitely contributed to the City Council Circus. I hope she does stay involved in the community. One thing is for sure though, I would have much rather seen her run a clean campaign and lose honorably than sell out to the Victory garbage-factory and run the Republican playbook for dirty elections. Not how I'd want to end my time on the council, that's or sure.
The drama killed Howard. Enough was enough, according to the voters. Even the 6th didn't help her. But don't count her out for the Iowa House. Howard is pro-education, which is a bonus for the 6th. Maybe J. VanFossen will decide the minority aint so great... Time will tell!!
The real plus to the primary, was Brown in the 1st by a decent percentage. I think the guy will bring sanity!
If Bloom fails, he should be required to move out of Davenport.
Incum. in 2nd, 5th and 7th are fairly locked in. And I don't see Gilmour making the final cut.
I don't see folks that voted for Howard supporting Phil, so unless Bill inserts foot into mouth, the Mayoral race should be a given.
This leaves the At-Large race as the intrest of November. If you look at the over/under votes, nearly 3200 voters only voted for one of the two At-Large Alderman. That is nearly 22% of the vote. My guess is, folks either voted for Ian or Olsen. That means Meeker needs to work hard, to prove his value of a vote. The "under vote" clearer indicates both Ian and Olsen, from at least a percentage basis, can't improve on numbers. It's meeker's chance to make a charge.
As a resident of the 2nd Ward, I can tell you unequivocally that I do NOT want Hamerlinck representing me. The guy is a shameless grand-stander and seems more concerned with how he is perceived than he is with making the right decisions for the city. I don't question his intentions (except for his single-minded desire to have Dee Bruemmer fired), but his decisions are too often short-sighted. I think he enjoys such support because he is is one of the few council members who is relatively well-spoken, and comes across as as a voice of reason in council and committee meetings. it's just that when you get down to actually dissecting what he's said, the voice isn't particularly reasonable.
You should call Marcia Patch and chat with her. She knocked on my door and after talking for about 20 minutes, I decided to vote for her. I know she has been working hard to talk to as many people in the 7th as possible. I was not surprised at all that Doc received the fewest votes. Once you listen to what she has to say, you will be a believer as well!
In two precincts in the 3rd Ward only about 6% of the residents voted. That is shameful. Bill is hosting a meet and greet at the Col Ballroom this afternoon from 5-8 p.m. that several of the businesses in the neighborhood will attend. Its time that there was a voice for the businesses in the area and I think that Bill Boom will provide it.
I wouldn't count the new guys in the 2nd, 5th, and 7th out. Remember in 2005 Frink was 4th in the primary, and 1st in the general election. It just means the challengers have a lot of work ahead of them in the next 27 days. I am in the 5th and support Cunningham, I will continue to volunteer all I can. Go Doug!
Hey - Meeker is weak, he should know this. I think he has a lot a lot a lot of work to do and doubt he can make up for the windfall of his challengers. He comes in at a great disadvantage. He is a D1 guy and is on record being anti-neighborhoods. He does not sit well with the majority of the city. People don't want the garbage anymore. They want honesty. It appears from the numbers that even the 6th ward doesn't want him all terribly bad either. I look for Victory to do an anti-Olsen campaign for him and my guess he isn't smart enough to see that as a negative to him. Neither is Steve Grubbs. It looks like Frink and Olsen.
How many campaigns can Victory screw up for people to learn to my use them? Let me think, Whalen and Howard to name a few.
Oh yes - also expect the Lubell to be after Olsen too. What a shame we give that guy any defference. He is Sleeze galore.
Thanks to all of my supporters that voted for me on Tuesday. Now the work starts. I am desperately in need of volunteers. I can’t possibly knock all of the doors in the 5th in the next month (but I will try…) We expect that negativity will enter into the campaign, but I don’t believe in becoming negative to combat that. As I’ve previously indicated I like Bill, but I think the 5th needs a change. I don’t plan to resort to autodialers, but they appear to sometimes be effective, and will likely be used by my opponent. Anyone who wants to help get my message out, make a donation or hold a meet and greet, please call 323-3127 or email doug@dougcunningham.org. I need your help to make this happen.
Doug Cunningham
There are times that you come off exactly like the QC Times! Do you have ANY factual information to support your fantasies, or can we be safe to assume that (like the Times) this is your heavily biased hopes for what will get more downtown monies?
Howard takes abuse because she is rude (outside of campaigning), disconnected with her constituents, dishonest, and unable to consistently make and argument that doesn't somehow come back to her race. Somewhere along the line she lost site of the fact that she represents the people of Davenport and not the people of other communities under the cloak of D1. Looking at her campaign contributions is a prime example of that!
I like Hammerlink, but that don’t carry any weight, I don’t live in his ward. I’m loyal to Ambrose. I have seen alderman come and go. Most run on sincere platforms, but as soon as they get in office, the power goes to their heads. Not Ambrose, he never went in for the fake glorifying by the special interests. He’s his own man. Don’t you like how Hmmerlink votes?. I could take or leave the others.
Gluba, Justin, Frink, Meeker if Meeker and Gluba get busy in the 6th ward to get voter turnout. Yerington can only win if there is more turnout in the 3rd and 4th. Don't see that happening. Don't anybody (even Hamerlink, Barnhill, Ambrose or Lynn) count any chickens just yet. Every race is just that, a race. Those who work hard will be rewarded.
If this city is to grow in the next few years, you will have to defeat Bill Lynn and Dan Lubell! Everyone outside the 5th ward realizes that Lynn is a scumbag but it will have to be you that gets them to realize it. Keep knocking on those doors and meeting as much people as possible. You can be win this with a bit of honest hard work..
Sorry QCI, those that work with Jamie regularly can tell you her true colors came out in her trashy radio ads. This is how she treats people. I used to be a Jamie fan until I actually tried to approach her about a neighborhood issue. She could have cared less and walked away before I could tell her about the issue.
Doug - tell the people about the Lynn/Lubell love fest please. 5th warders should hate Lubell. What are you waiting for here?
Lynn did not start the GAs. He voted to get rid of the Neo. He voted to support the Fire Dept and then voted against funding them.
The only thing Hammerlink is right about is getting Dee fired. She needs to go.
Let's hope Boom keeps his momentum. Meyer is part of the circus that we need to get rid of. Nice analysis, QCI.
Meyer's constant demands of city staff, making unintelligible information requests, is making them spend endless hours of nonproductive time. When Meyer attends committee meetings they become marathons of his ramblings, asking questions already answered or asking questions that are not relevant. He does not save anyone any money, he just spends tax dollars.
I've seen Cruiser's list of Meyer accomplishments. They aren't accomplishments, they are simply lists of things he has opposed. I want to hear of just one original proposal Meyer put forward that produced a positive result for his ward. I don't want to hear about his trash pick ups or his interference into issues outside his ward, creating controversy simply because he does not understand the issue.
I simply want him gone.
5:10 pm...what kind of crack are you smoking? Cunningham is a great guy, don't fill him full of lies or he will come off like an idiot. Even Curtis Slewa, head of the guardian angels, credits Lynn for bringing them to Davenport. And, Lynn and Lubell may be friends, but Lynn has never accepted any money from him.
Lynn has never excepted $$$$ from Lubell.....YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!
That is just an out & out LIE!
Rather than just yelling "that's a lie!", how about you prove it. Like say, pointing out how on page 2 of Schedule A in Lynn's 2005-08-07 IECDB report, Lubell is listed as donating $50 to "Friends of Bill Lynn."
I am hosting a Fundraiser for my At Large run tomorrow the 13th of October at the Garden's PUB located at 13th and Marquette Streets in Davenport. The event begins at 5 PM and runs until 9 PM or later if you want to stay.
Food and beer provided and entertainment provided by my husband Johhny O and the Midnight Show and (friends). The band starts around 7 PM.
Please join us and bring friends and supporters. Let's get this campaign wrapped up.
I will have my literature which lays out the issues and my platform. I will have signs as well to hand out if you want one for your yard.
I would like to see you all there. It will be fun, I can feel it.
Please go to my website at www.JennOlsen.com and see what it's all about.
Jenn Olsen
Get a life Dan. Isn't there something else you could be doing. Like ruining some other mayoral candidate's campaign.
I have accepted Jennifer Olsen's invitation to visit her web site. I don't find too much to disagree with and believe she can be effective at large. When I look at her issues I do see some common ground with other candidates, her voice isn't entirely unique. The issues are good issues.
When I look at her positions on economic development, especially beyond SOLO, I have a hard time understanding what her views are. Her comments are very vague when talking about city-wide economic development. An example:
"We must make economic development in our established neighborhoods and commercial areas a priority....... It is essential that our plans involve the residents and businesses that currently are in these neighborhoods." "We must be both strategic and selective with our public funding for all city projects."
Economic development in established areas would be great. How does it happen? What kinds of programs might be put in place? Do they have an economics pay-back to the private investors? A lot of questions to be asked and answered by who?
And, what does "We must be both strategic and selective with our public funding for all city projects." mean? What are the criteria? Does the first dollar go SOLO and then other priorities are considered? What is the strategy?
These are my questions. I hope Jennifer Olsen will expand her views. In fairness, go to www.JennOlsen.com and read her issues and form your own view.
There seems to be a nasty bunch of comments about Phil Yerington and the Land Lord group. The real power is not in the office of the Mayor. In fact, all you need is 8 Aldermen voting for an issue and the Mayor's veto is worthless. The City Council is the one that the landlords need in their pocket. DavenportOne and their behind the close door PAC (maybe more than one PAC) is the one that is trying to get rid of Hamerlick, Meyer, Ambrose, Lynn, and elect Meeker (who openly states that Davenport Citizens should pay increased taxes for Downtown and Riverfront Development) and Mr. Brown in the first ward, I. Frinck and Matson. Look where the donations are going from PAC's.
DavenportOne is concerned on their income flow from the city to maintain their inflated staff. If we look at the give aways by the City Council that has brought a few jobs to Davenport the cost per job both taxpayers directly and by the dollars given to DavenportOne are out of line. How come we lost so many jobs at Rock Island Arsenal. Where was D1 early on? When was the possible job loss brought up to the people of Davenport? I understand it was long before the 2005 BRAC.
People need to dig into Boom's background. I have heard some strange things about a recent party he had. One of the lady's at that party has told a story, if true, makes me concerned that we may have another problem person coming to the City Council. I understand that Dan Lubell does not not like Meyer because of his stands for the people in his ward. Maybe we ought to be concerned that Dan has Boom in his pocket too! Remember Keith was a supervisor for Scott County Welfare when the county ran the welfare program.
Bill Lynn had a contract with the President of MICROSOFT to do an analysis of the economic value of a project. Why would Mr. Allan hire a professor from St. Ambrose University? What rare talent exists in Dr. Lynn that we do not know about and that the President of MICROSOFT knew about? Why does City of Davenport not utilize the full talent of this elected alderman? Would we not save a lot of consulting fees? Did he not do a good job in helping the people of the Village of East Davenport recently. I know a couple of the business people there and they are happy with his assistance and results. Those who claim that he is doing illegal things must remember that he is tenured at St. Ambrose and doing anything illegal would cost him that status.
There are some interesting things about Phil Yerington that few people know. But, during the campaign, I hope that they are brought out. Someone should ask about his trip to Washington, D.C. shortly after he was elected with Aldermen Tom Carroll and George Nicholas, former Mayor Thom Hart and Phil Yerington. Where did they go and who did they see? What was the purpose of that trip besides the National League of Cities?
Phil has proven he can work with members of both parties. He appointed Republicans as Chairman of committees when he was elected as a Democrat. He had a whole group of Democrats that were elected with him. Why? Because he looks for the best person to do the job. I think that people ought to listen to Phil and what he is saying rather than who gave him money.
How many lawyers have given candidates money over the years that deal with the city. Can $500.00, $100.00, $50.00 buy your vote? I hope not. Money comes in from all different groups. Maybe we ought to follow the money of the DavenportOne PAC that they have set up to funnel money to their chosen few!! As that movie with Tom Cruise punch line goes "Show Me The Money!" Well voters ought to look at where the big, big dollars are going to in this election. Are those people in their pocket?
How come Ms. Lewis moved into Ray Ambrose Ward? Did Terra Barney have anything to do with that move? Do we have what they call "A Carpet Bagger" or a Trojan Horse in the 4th Ward? Why do they want to get rid of Ray Ambrose?
We need to get back to Democrat and Republican Party Elections in Davenport. Maybe then we could weed out some of this cruption by dollars and sources of our candidates. Party disapline would go a long way towards correcting things in Davenport.
We have found the enemies. QC Times, DavenportOne, free loading Democrats, and Contractors doing business with the City. They all want to control the City Council to achieve their goals. Those goals may not be what the citizens want. It is time that we require the city to come to the voters, like other cities in Iowa, to seek bond approval for many of these projects. We need to change the Charter of the City to require a vote for project such as River Front Development, and large dollar give aways that have to be bonded.
Citizens, it is time that we take the power back that belongs to the people and not to "Special Interest Groups" in the city of Davenport.
I got a great Lewis Mailer yesterday because I live in the 4th ward. I will vote for this woman. She is great.
Ray needs to go now. He has been around too long and we need a fresh voice. Plus, he voted to do away with the NEO dept and then failed to fund the fire dept staff that ar really needed to whip the city in shape.
I encourage fellow 4th warders to come on Wednesday to the HAT to meet this fine candidate.
I've also met and talked to Lisa, she is a very smart woman, and wants desperately the opportunity to serve, how much more can you ask. Go Lisa!
Lisa Lewis is avoiding a very important question that the voters need to know....
Lisa, how long have you lived in the 4th Ward? Didn't you JUST move here right after you failed to succeed in Chicago as a voice talent? If you can't succeed in business, why should we put you in charge of our tax dollars?
Dan - is Lewis your next target? Sure sounds like it. Maybe your attorney likes her looks and he is bound for a relapse. By the way folks, Bill Lynn's attorney is the same attorney for Dan Lubell. He is also a rent to ownlord. Not only is Bill Lynn's attorney a pervie wervie, but he is also a slumord and the same attorney for his friend, Loubell. NO favors here folks!
5th ward - wise up for the sake of the rest of us.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I've just started a blog dedicated to posting information on Tom Carnahan, candidate for 2nd ward alderman. It's brand new and still fresh, so please keep that in mind. I will be adding more very soon. I look forward to everyone's comments and questions.
Thank you!
Hey 9:57 pm, are you paranoid or something? What makes you think I am Dan, just because I want to know how long Lisa has lived here? Don't you think that is a legitimate question to ask of someone that wants our vote for alderman? Why is she avoiding the question?
Dan - why do you care? You don't even live here.
There's a fundraiser tonight for Tom Carnahan, candidate for Alderman in the 2nd ward, at Hickory Gardens from 6pm to 8pm. I encourage everyone in the 2nd ward to come out and meet your candidate. Thanks!
F0fZAs Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
YbBg3R Nice Article.
Thanks to author.
Wonderful blog.
Hello all!
Please write anything else!
Thanks to author.
Nice Article.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Good job!
yvUSxz Hello all!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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