Makes me wish I was still waiting to see "Davenport Community School District - Canceled" scroll across the bottom of KWQC. I actually did watch to see that it was this morning, even though it doesn't affect me any more.
What's a good topic for our usual educated discourse around here today?
Where's the best place to take your wife out for a Christmas eve dinner and drinks around here?
Scatterkats looked pretty nice when I saw it during the grand opening. Who knows if it'll be open for Christmas Eve though.
Plus I believe its a bit pricey.
What is pricey?
Moline Chop House at Bass St. Landing is good, but expensive
What is expensive? Is it like getting a camera speeding ticket?
Thanks, I am the original poster and not the person inquiring "what is pricey". Chop House sounds interesting. Keep 'em coming and thanks!
The Bass Street Chop House is a place where you can spend over $100 for 2 people fairly easily, so I haven't been there myself.
Scatterkats I've only been in for the ribbon cutting, but I'm basing my pricey guess on how nice it was and the fact that they have a business casual dress code.
To all the whiners who have received red light and speeding tickets: You more than likely deserved the ticket, so get over it. Slow down, red means stop, and don’t roll through red lights when turning right. I think some people must daydream when they are taking their driving tests. Bad habits are hard to break, work on it. (•¿•)
i hate the freight house let it burn!
Interesting story in the DMR a couple of weeks ago on how the city of Des Moines was going to save $6 million a year by using an HMO for employee health care.
I don't know if Davenport is using an HMO but if they are not it certainly appears to be something they should consider.
I live in a neighborhood, where, occasionaly I need to call the police because of trouble makers. I either have to wait hours to have a cop show up, they never show up, or the dispatcher treats ME like the "bad guy". If the cops are so busy they can't show up for REAL trouble, why did they have so much time to write parking tickets for residents on the "snow routes" this morning. Some of these residents only have on street parking. Where the heck are they supposed to park?! Is this where the cops are when someone is selling weed or crack on the corner and we need them? Writing tickets?
Other nice restaurants, worth checking out:
Faithful Pilot, downtown Leclaire
Johnny's, downtown Moline
Tratoria (sp?), downtown Bettendorf
Centro and Savitri's, downtown Davenport
Long John Silvers?!?! Windinghills, even while trying to be sarcastic, you still are an idiot.
Winding Hills may not have what it takes to be the Food Critic for the QCTimes, but he has proved he has a good eye for a quality ladder. :)
I may be wrong, but I don't believe it was uniformed police officers writing the snow route tickets. I would guess that it was the employees of the parking division and/or the CSR's (the volunteers) doing the task. And I'm sure that most of those cars parked on a snow route either have or could've found alternative parking. You don't wait until the snow falls do prepare for it.
It was uniformed officers. I went outside and talked him out of leaving me one if I moved my car two streets over.
My point about the tickets (And they were uniformed officers in Davenport Police cars) wasn't the fact people were getting tickets. Of course they should. That's the rule. My point is, they were right on top of writing tickets, but take their time to get to a REAL crime.
Anyone that says Davenport cops don't do their absolute best to respond to crimes needs to go down to the station and ask to do a ride-along some night.
Thanks to Alderman Meyers again for watching out for our money. When Gramp Reality, representing Screwjacks interest, came before the committee to get the price reduced on an acre of property to half price, Keith objected. Of course, Jamie Howard wanted to give them a steal on the ground. When was the last time that Screwjacks gave the city a super deal on equipment for public works, or some new squad cars. Never. So if they want that acre of land, it should be at full market rate. There was also one more reason for keeping tree's along busy streets alderman Meyers, and that is that they block the sounds of the traffic, and act as a buffer to the neighbors. And we can use all the fresh oxygen we can get from them. Thanks for looking out for the taxpayers.
I did like his quote about wooded ravines being very valuable to some people, including himself.
However, I was surprised they spent so much time and effort arguing about what I believe amounted to a difference of a few thousand dollars. Split the difference and call it good.
Staff valued it at 16 thousand, and Lujacks seems to think it's worth 8 thousand. Some day, in the near future when Kimberly road needs to expand to 6 lanes, or 61 South needs to expand, and the city or the state needs to buy that property back from them, you can bet Lujacks will then believe it's worth a quarter million. Deals like this is how Pete Pullman got to be a multi-millionare.
Snow route tickets are written by a combination of Traffic Division Officers and civilian Parking Enforcement Officers. They don't go out until there is 2 inches of snow as measured by Street Dept supervisors at various locations around town.
If there isn't significant melting in the next few days officers wil be out with Public Works crews digging out and towing "snowbirds".
We received word from Lujacks attorney that they were willing to pay the full $16,000 and move the item to Consent.
Man is it cold.
Who ever is throwing their deer harvest in the ravine out side my house is keeping Shabonee in bones and me busy toasting them in the wood burner.
You deserve that $8000 as a raise Alderman Meyer. If you wouldn't have contested it, they would have gotton a real windfall. If dee is going to be changing the sewer bill fee soon, at the same time why not adjust the yard waste fee so that people don't have to sticker bags any time of the year. For example, if the average house purchases 10 stickers, why not just add that to the quarterly bill. That would solve part of the illegal dumping, and then what the city spends on cleaning up those illegal dump sites. It costs the city something to have the tags printed, and it takes high priced employees to sell them at city hall. Sometimes they are out, so they mail them to you, and that is a postage expense. One time recently, the compost manager said they were turning business away because there was a lack of material to make what he had for requested demand, so if there were no need for stickers, you can bet people would use it more, and the compost facility could fill more orders. Finially, those people who put out bags with no stickers this week had them burried in with snow, and some of the bags were hit by the snowplows and dragged. What a mess, and that will be around until spring.
I agree - alderman meyer you are charming.
Dee is trying to slide in this sewer fee increase under the radar. Also, she introduced herself as the assistant city administrator again. For the last few months, Dee has only been declaring herself as the public works director. Dee sure likes to spend our money.
I disagree with charging each house hold for yard waste stickers.
I do not have a need for bags and stickers because I recycle.
I cut the leaves from the trees and flowers up with the lawn mover. This is excellent fertizer for the ground. Any sticks or brush I burn on a burn day, and spread the ashes at a later date. Keep in mind that I do all of this work on just over an acre. I do not want to be charged for something I have no interest in using. The city is charging enough in fees that I can not control.
It would be interesting to know what the city paid to have the parking meters accept the new 'smart cards,' and also know how many people are actually using them. It seems odd that Davenport would spend more money on the meters, when the downtown businessmen are pushing for their removal, along with D1. If we really want to save money, they should get rid of that Parking Manager.
It's a possibility that nobody would need to be charged for free yard waste, as it would be paid for in the savings from extra compost sales, and the savings from the cost of equipment and manpower from the cleanup crew that handles the dumping by persons who can't currently afford the $1.75 stickers, plus the cost of the paper sacks.
One of the best motions that Alderman Meyer brought forward, was a motion to get rid of some of the excess councilmen, especially the two At-Large positions. If Cedar Rapids can operate efficiently with half the number that Davenport does, then we should change. Cedar Rapids has more population and a larger area, so it can be done. Then give the few remaining slots a salary at least large enough to attract alderman with half a clue. The only person on council right now that fits that description is Keith Meyer. We need more just like him.
Ulserman Lynn should be in favor of fewer council members. It was he who said we didn't need more inspectors than Cedar Rapids, so it goes to figure that he would support getting rid of some dead weight. Maybe he will step down and let the QCRPA autodial for Tony LaHoods's new travel coordinator, J.H.
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