Malin's courting the designer of Chicago's giant drill bit for our pier. QCTimes article
The skatepark appears to have broken ground, or at least the grading has begun. I'll try to get some boring earth-moving images up sometime.
Surveyor's stakes have appeared at the soon-to-be park at 2nd and Iowa, where the Genesis Christmas tree is planted. Last I heard they were planning to raise the ground level of that block and create a small park, and I don't believe its even city money. That will help fix one of the gateways to Davenport. I suppose our world-record size welcome signs will take care of a couple other gateways.
Any thoughts on what kind of restaurant would go well in the former Don's Big 10?
I'm curious what semi-libertarian Ambrose Fulton thinks of the recent NSA stuff... however, I don't delve into national politics around here.
Hopefully it will be a decent weekend for the Beaux Arts.
Next week I'll be doing a bit of traveling and stuff, so posting and moderating will be minimal. Even unpaid bloggers need a vacation.
The gateway off the Arsenal, to your left a new little park, and straight ahead a well kept empty hotel and the picturesque back end of the QC Times. Call the park greenspace and nothing more.
With parking rates on the rise no more food establishments will venture downtown. Anybody had to wait for a table lately. With the removal of tolls on the Centennial we have proved a free pass is a good thing. Hop over the bridge to Rock Island to dine. Davenport doesn't want to enforce the current parking policy, but just increase the fees and cause people to think twice.
"Hop over the bridge to Rock Island to dine."
Gee, I work with a lot of people who live in the Illinois QC, and they ALL say they usually come to Davenport to eat.
Best grub of the QC is in Davenport!
"Emerils or Cheesecake Factory" ... what kind of high-brow crap is that! You could get beat up for saying stuff like that!
Proposing free paking seems like a solution, and I can name every new resturant concept available in the suburbs. It feels good to no longer be an againster and I am going out to Elmore Ave to celebrate.
This is what being part of the in-crowd is like, hmmmm.
There will never be free parking downtown until the two parking ramps are paid off. The funding matrix requires the dollars from the meters and the dollars from the overpriced parking tickets to pay the bond payments. Public works didn't have that matrix figured properly at the beginning, so now the taxpayers are having to subsidize those bond payments, as the fees from the meters and the fines are not generating projected amounts of cash.
Plus if there was free parking on the streets, they'd still have to do something to keep the downtown employees from taking all the street parking. 2 hour parking, etc.
I'd love to see the parking garages fairly cheap, and street parking free. Maybe we could sell naming rights to the parking system. Something like "Parking on 2nd street brought to you by APAC" or the Harrison Street Parking garage becoming the "Wells Fargo Parking Garage." It wouldn't be worth the million or so that stadium naming rights are supposed to be worth, but it'd be something.
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